Boone/ASU Guys

If you ever need help with any of that, send me a message on AIM or something. My dads been an accountant for (ever?)
Hes a controller at a small company in statesville, and Im sure hed answer some questions if you need it
Accounting needs to die, period.

I will definitely let you know if I need some help with stuff, but more or less I am just being facetious. I am an accounting and pre-law major, so I guess I have to like it whether I want to or not. :shaking: Oh well, I guess that is what the weekends are for. :beer: :beer:
I thought so, and knew he had 37s, but definitely knew he didn't have a 9" in the back. See that guy a lot up near my apartment and around my side of campus.

The red TJ on 37" MTR's is rocking Dynatrac 60's front and rear. He has been parked at my apartment on a regular occasion and im pretty sure its the same guy who I wheeled with a couple of times in HS when he had a K5 on 35's. you work for the Fire Dept?
Saw another pretty cool build tonight, 2 actually.

Saw a blue TJ driving out in front of Klondike, 33's or something.

And then a pretty nice looking YJ pulling out of Kerr Scott.
I didn't ever think the TJ had 60s under it, maybe because they are as narrow as they are, I dunno.

Im pretty sure he had em custom made for that TJ. Something tells me I remember that thing being built from the ground up with a lot of $$$ sunk into it. With an 8" Rock Ready kit and some 60's I wanna see it wheel.
Yeah, if it is good 60s under it, I'm sure it would wheel pretty good. With them narrowed though, just seems like he can't go up much more or he'll get too top heavy.
I dont think it was yours, I didnt see the diamond plate corners like yours has.

it'd probably be alot eaiser to identify each other if we had pictures or something (i had to dig around for pictures of your YJ.)

Old picture. The fenders are black now, and theres a new top on it.
Its basically the same. The fender trim is back to black, and the top is the same color, just new.

Haha, cool. I was just messing with you. :fuck-you: Holler at me if you ever see me around. I only have a buddy or two that has trucks around here and are willing to go play a little.

Looks good, don't remember if I've seen you around or not. To be honest, there are so many Jeeps up here, I get to where I don't pay close attention anymore. :bounce2:
Yea theres alot for sure. Most of them just drive down 321 aimlessly tho. Jeeps not up here right now, I drive a red K5. I've passed you a time or two...