Cl find of the day

Goot Lort!
"motor bored 30 over at $11,783 cost - all new rebuild by local shop"
yet theres no pics or mention of what motor it is.
SAE - check. Metric - check. Penis - huh?

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@ghost i guess so. Messaged him and he said these are the hard compound option but still not DOT and are way softer than a standard MT tire. For $150 a piece it may be worth the trial on them tho...
Serious question,is CL even relative anymore??? I RARELY find anything worth buying on there.Maybe its just my area.
Heck yeah, all the dumbasses have left for Facebook marketplace, so it's just us normal folk, scammers, and spammers over on Craigslist.
Define "normal".I agree its all went to FB market place that's why I questioned how relative CL still was.