Cl find of the day

Who post 8 pics and doesn't have a single one of the inside?

Same kinda guy that takes a stereo system from a big rig "Kenworth Sound System" and puts it in a p.o.n.t.i.a.c.
trying to understand what is going on w/ those bars hanging off the bumpers - is this some poorly executed way to deal w/ bumper height laws?
Or is it a step so you have something to stand on when working in the engine bay?
Its just a ghetto way to keep the popo from sayin anything about bumper height.It's probably made out of exhaust pipe.
trying to understand what is going on w/ those bars hanging off the bumpers - is this some poorly executed way to deal w/ bumper height laws?
Or is it a step so you have something to stand on when working in the engine bay?
It's rite der in dat dar posted, custom lowered bumpers.....

Ok I apologize for that but in the redneckerized spirit of the ghetto fab "bumpers", I couldn't resist. It is a marginal attempt to display some type of safety. I have seen people make bumper inserts to put in receiver hitches to comply under the same type of laws.