Deer Season

Killed my first one of the year yesterday a 109# doe. One shot bang/flop with a lefty Savage 30/06. Looking forward to the hamburger and cubed steaks to come. Trying for another one with a handgun the rest of the week.


good luck, its fun but tricky. you need more light than you would think with open steel sights. :huggy:
LOL it will not be deer #1 with a handgun. It will be deer #1 with a scope on the handgun. I had an older Super Blackhawk with a 10.5" barrel drilled and tapped for a Weigand scope mount and put a Leupold 2x handgun scope on top. I have taken a deer or 10 with a handgun and its more of a challenge than bow hunting I think.

For most of my handgun hunting I use a stainless Ruger Bisley in .45Colt with a One Ragged hole peep sight in place of the rear sight blade.



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cool hauler

First deer hauled in the Willys. Too cool. :huggy:


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From wed to sat I let 19 deer walk including a 6 and a 7. i know there is a bruiser there as the guys were just crusing through. Head to south Texas on wed for a hunt. 8 pt, outside the ears, min score to kill is 130. CANT WAIT!!!
Bagged a 4-point with a 12 gauge last week...

Car hit one and it was still alive, but unable to run off.. broken back. so I put it out of its misery at the wife's request. I didn't keep it though. :D
I was loading up the jeep for URE last friday night and had a nice 6 point buck just off the driveway snort at me, and then turn around and mosey off through the back yard ....I was thinking about throwin a rock at his a$$ just to show him who's boss :D