Destruction of your own land


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
Granite Quarry
Hey fellas...I was just wondering how you guys felt on a topic. The topic being 'wheeling on your own property or having permission to wheel on someone's property. The dilemma being, trashing vegetation, bush hogging through the environment, etc. Basically just tearing up the land.

My stance is, just because something is legal does not necessarily make it 'right'. I try to adhere to tread lightly, and I have forged my own path a time or two on private land, but I don't see any point complete disregard and disrespect for the land and the environment, unless your point is to make an a$$ of yourself so you can look cool in front of your buddies. Regardless of who's land it is, I think preservation is key...and prevents any further ammunition from the opposition of the four wheeling community.

The reason I ask is because I have several buddies and know guys on other websites that have the opinion that it's their land, they can do what they please. While I understand that, I still don't necessarily think the persona given off is one that the off road crowd wants, and is a stigma we're trying to shake.

So I was just curious as to thoughts and opinions or if I should just shut the hell up and mind my own business.
interesting topic.

I think it just comes down to maturity level.

If you have seen anything i post in the garage, you should know of course i am not going to say that a man cannot do as he wishes on his own property.

BUT...i am mature enough not to do the stupid stuff on my own land.
Well, is it better to beat in a trail, or clear off a few acres and put in a house? What about building a driveway?
being someone that isnt a fan of the special kenyan ambassador to the US i will say this. it seems more than ever that everyone has an opinion. my opinion of everyone's opionion is - MIND YOUR OWN F______ BUSINESS. i drive cars that get shit mpg, its my choice. i fly for work and pleasure 25-40 times a year, burning all that jet a, i stay toasty warm in the winter, cool in the summer cause i crank the thermo up when i please. i pay the bills, i like my choices. the same goes if i choose to purchase land, 10 20 100 acres - i will do with it as i see fit. wheel it, build on it, take every tree down and sell it too the highest bidder. its my money that bought it, i will do what ever the hell i want to. simple.
now if another person buys 10 20 100 acres and they want to dance naked in the pale moonlight chanting to the tree gods, eating grass three meals a day and drive a gutless deathtrap i dont care. you can live in a tee pee and comune with the wolves and i will make fun of you for a being a tool just the same way the eco cry babies want me to get rid of my jeeps, trucks, etc and tell me im killing the planet.
its my money or land or cars, ill do with it what i see fit.
I own 10 acres and have built trails on it for four wheeling and mountain biking. I plan to build more. I paid for it, so I do what I want on it.
I should just shut the hell up and mind my own business.
You said it. Its people just like you that ruin everyone elses pleasure.

I just got in from tearing up my land for the last 20 minutes on my quad. If you, Obama or anyone else came to me and tried to stand up for my dirt you would get a big:fuck-you:
BUT...i am mature enough not to do the stupid stuff on my own land.
Please elaborate on that statement.
Hey fellas...I was just wondering how you guys felt on a topic. The topic being 'wheeling on your own property or having permission to wheel on someone's property. The dilemma being, trashing vegetation, bush hogging through the environment, etc. Basically just tearing up the land.
My stance is, just because something is legal does not necessarily make it 'right'. I try to adhere to tread lightly, and I have forged my own path a time or two on private land, but I don't see any point complete disregard and disrespect for the land and the environment, unless your point is to make an a$$ of yourself so you can look cool in front of your buddies. Regardless of who's land it is, I think preservation is key...and prevents any further ammunition from the opposition of the four wheeling community.
The reason I ask is because I have several buddies and know guys on other websites that have the opinion that it's their land, they can do what they please. While I understand that, I still don't necessarily think the persona given off is one that the off road crowd wants, and is a stigma we're trying to shake.
So I was just curious as to thoughts and opinions or if I should just shut the hell up and mind my own business.

with the way you are thinking there there should never be a new public or private trail built then either :shaking:
"I can do whatever I want with my land because I bought it" is not an opinion, it is FACT.

If I had the coin to buy a chunk of land, you better believe I would wheel it year round whenever I saw fit, camp, burn my trash when I felt like, cut down a tree or two for firewood every now and again. Am I going to not drive on my land for 3 months of the year so it can repair itself? Not a chance, if I feel like taking the heep out, I will do that.
keep in mind that county or city nuisance ordinances might be in place to prevent things like this...but usually getting caught that way comes down to neighbors complaining.
I was here first, this is my piece of dirt, your ramblins don't rattle me.

Montgomery Gentry, What do ya think about that

Great song.
i don't see any need to crush him for his opinion.

i for one, will do as i please on my property, as long as it has no ill effects on my neighbors. if my mudpit ran off on to their nice white concrete driveway, i would stop (until i could relocate it). if it's your property, do as you please, you don't have to answer to me, and i don't answer to you.

so unless my singing to the tree gods at midnight(naked) is bothering you, get the hell off my property
I'm a big fan of the Tread Lightly campaign, and of social responsibility in general. I think a land owner has the right to do whatever he/she wants with his/her property (within reason). But just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should do it.

My family has 2 small farms down in South Carolina... a combined total of about 85 acres. We shoot, fish, drive and camp out there... but always responsibly, and always with concern for the safety of our neighbors and the longevity of the land in mind.
If you own the land. Then you should do what you please. Whether or not you should is a completely different story. I am sort of in this same situation. I have 1 arce. On this acre I have a house and a shop. However, the drive way only goes to the house. The shop is out back behind the house forcing me to drive on the grass. When it has been raining and the ground is soft. I have to make the choice, do I want to rut up my yard and drive my truck to the shop or should I wait till it dries out and keep the yard looking good. It is my yard, I can choose to do either one that I want.
However, there is a huge difference in this and getting on someone's land with their permission. If you own it is yours, if it is someone else's, I wouldn't tear it up no matter what they said.
Please elaborate on that statement.

i don't see any need to crush him for his opinion.
i for one, will do as i please on my property, as long as it has no ill effects on my neighbors. if my mudpit ran off on to their nice white concrete driveway, i would stop (until i could relocate it). if it's your property, do as you please, you don't have to answer to me, and i don't answer to you.
so unless my singing to the tree gods at midnight(naked) is bothering you, get the hell off my property

transman pretty much took care of it.
Wow...damn, I wasn't trying to get flamed for this...more or less trying to provoke thought. I appreciate those of you who handled this like adults. Just to clarify, I'm with you guys, your land, you do what you want. But I believe there still needs to be some sort of responsibility (as transman pointed out). If you wanna clear your land and make a mud pit, by all means, do it...if you wanna make trails go for it. However, I also believe the sight of someone rolling over saplings our trouncing through and destroying the landscape only furthers the irresponsible 'wheeler stigma. It's all about perception.

Personally, I've always believed people want to believe a perceived reality and not actual reality. I'm not sure exactly how land closure proceedings are handled, but I don't see how complete environmental destruction, your land or not, could benefit any of us. Shoot, as is, I've seen guys get citations for oil leaks on their own land, that gets into the wrong hands and I can only see what kinda hay day the greenies would have portraying offroaders as ignorant, irresponsible earth haters.

So personally, as much as we as an offroad community try to stress public land responsibility...I don't see why the same thing isn't encouraged on your own land.

To me, land preservation should be like character, an all the time thing...not a 'only when other people are looking' thing. Apparently I'm in the minority. If that make me a leftist, socialist, tree-hugging, Obama lover...I guess I'm guilty as charged, although it couldn't be further from the truth.
so let me see if i understand you. you'r veiw is that if you own the land then do what you want but don't destroy any trees or damage the land because it show's every one that you are inmature,irresponsible and putting the 4x4 community in a bad lite plus giving the tree huggers more amunition. so i guess don't do what you want? do what you want as long as every one is ok with it? i guess i'm confussed,you seem to be speaking from both sides of your mouth.
i think he perceives land ownership with the pre conceived notion that in reality only people who conceive that he owns the land will want him to conserve it and that those who concieve to pre-conceive will only conceive what conceptions are conceived before they have conceived them.
i get what your saying though with the character reference.

It would be like me going down a powerline trail. after all the bitching i do at people who do this, it would make me seem like a hypocrit.

in your situation, if one follows the tread lightly motto on trail systems and parks, then why does that not carry over into his personal life and on his personal land?

i knew this was going to be a fun topic. thats why i said it was interesting in my first reply =)
I agree with most other people on here that it is your land so do as you please as long as you are obeying the law. For example, I have a friend who has some land and we ride dirt bikes, camp out, have bonfires, etc. Since there are neighbors close by, we try to keep the revs down so we don't bother them. One time, police stopped by to make sure he was not trespassing and that it was his own land. The officer was nice and left after saying have fun and stay safe. Just be respectful to neighbors if there are any close by and obey any law about noise, etc.
I'll play around on my land as if I own it or something, though to an extent I understand the responsibility thing. I clean up any spills if I break, and I try to keep the creek bank from washing out where the trails run near it, we also only cross the water where there is a relatively solid bottom. But, I will clear what I please when I please, to do with as I please. Luckily I have no neighbors to piss off within a few miles....
I for one wasn't flaming you. It's the "do as I as I say not as I do govt" The attitude of telling people what to do with their own property and the more strict regulation that what I choose to drive is an issue of the fed? It's bs. I've seen these planned sub divisions come in to build homes, flood areas with suspect grading, kickbacks to cities, etc. Never a word. It's a money game. Look at tellico and paragon, prime examples. The stuff that's going on with land around Moab. Offroading is slowly going the way of private ownership due in my opinion to liberal bias thinking that if you drive a Lexus to the parking lot with a 800 rod/reel in the trunk your better than me. I'm happy to pay inflated rates and drive to wheel on private land. No one should tell me how to run my life when it effects no one else. As for me, if I won the lottery I'd open an offroad park just to do it for those that value the fun and the family that is offroading.
what do millions and millions of people do everyday driving up and down the same road? tear it up. eventually having to repave it etc........... any difference?