@Atla i know what your saying, but every inch counts when youre trying to appendix carry. especially on the grip as the longer it is the more it will print when 3 to 5 o'clock. These days printing is more dangerous than extreme accuracy. For that matter, CC isnt about comp shooting. If you cant hit center mass with a sub or a 38 revolver or other snub, you really should not be CC'ing...
just my 2 cents tho
I've never appendix carried so I can't say much for that. (But i have been tempted lately to try it out) I do carry at 3-5 though, and that little extra grip length never bothered me. I dont wear tight tees though - except around the biceps...
I don't follow about printing being more dangerous than being accurate though. The ability to hit what I aim at with consistentancy under stress worries me far more than someone noticing a slight bulge around my waist. I'm aware of it enough that I'm careful in my sitting and dress. I squat instead of bending over when in public also. I suppose if anyone curious were to ask - I'd tell them that its my colostomy bag.
I used to shoot IDPA pretty heavily for a couple of years. Until I enlisted, got married, got family, and had no time or money. Even won a fancy plaque in the NC State IDPA match once. Every so often I would compete with my carry gun (Glock 26) in my carry holster. It was good practice for situational self defense shooting. I recommend it to anyone who carries. Don't even worry about scoring, just practice on improving. You'll learn a lot about cover, movement, engaging multiple targets, moving targets, and if you, your equipment, or your gun sucks.
That's IDPA.. not IPSC. IPSC has little to no real world value. There you will learn you need a $5000 race-gun pistol and to be an asshole to play.
HIowever, I suppose the most important thing,
is to have a gun. The second most important thing,
is to get training and practice like your life or your families depends on it.
It's better to have a $200 gun and put $500 into practice than the other way around. (As long as it is reliable!) Upgrade your gun, ammo, holster, training as funds allow.
For what it's worth. I think the Ruger LCP type pistols are a great gun if you need something to smuggle into prison in your butt.
I had one and hated it. Most people I know had one at one time and got rid of it. But it's better than nothing. If it's all you can afford, get it. And practice!