Ever wake up with a song in your head?

Fair warning, do not listen to this unless you want to suffer with me today!

I was cruising through the interwebs and found myself on YouTube for some reason. On the side was a song a friend sent me one time. I listened to it again and it stuck along with another. I think one of the best comments I saw was one lady that said, "This man could sing the ingredients off a cereal box and scream the portion sizes and I'd be all in". Agreed.


Not sure why this popped in my head, but I am sitting here running two machines at the same time at work. My dancing skills while doing all this are not quite as a lustrous, so please stop staring at me.
I woke up with some 'You Can Do Magic' in my head this morning.

For some reason, I woke up with a love song in my head this morning... :lol:


This one always brings a tear to an eye. I think of my 97yo grandmothers passing. She'd be 100 this week.

Theres a video of him playing "nose on the grindstone" at the same studio.Good stuff.
I didn't wake up w it but its been in my head since Jake came home sayin that Dr John was dead.
I love all of you!

Woke up with this one in my head this morning.

I just have a thing for female singers. Sounds like the voice of an angel.