SFWDA is working on a template letter that you can use to provide your comments. Of course, you don’t have to follow the template, but if you choose to provide your own comments, please do so with the following guidance in mind:
Be professional, courteous, and do not be angry or aggressive in your tone.
Please use the spell check feature on your computer. Misspellings make you look stupid.
Please address the action at hand. Do not go on a rant about the “greenies” who you think are forcing this action. Be succinct and to the point about how this action is going to effect you and why you think the Forest Service should not close the trails. Be persuasive and do not ramble.
Please provide them with alternatives to trail closure. The Forest Service did not propose any alternatives other than closure. What about temporarily rerouting trails? What about installing more erosion controls?
Please question their science and observations. The Forest Service did not provide any scientific data in their letter to prove that their “observations and measurements” are true. They also did not provide the analysis that they used to determine that there even is any “impact” to the area. They are assuming there is an impact.
Please be sure to be clear that you do not support this action and wish to be added to the list of interested parties to receive updated information regarding any action at the Upper Tellico Off-Highway Vehicle (ORV) Area.
Comments should be either emailed or mailed to:
Tusquitee District Ranger
23 Woodland Drive
Murphy, NC 28906