FB MP finds of the day.

Umm is that not a shifter?

Excellent catch. Now its a cool truck.
I didn't realize they still had manual engaging t cases. I thought they have gone all electric.
Yes. But usually it looks like that's what the did, if you know what I mean. This one was really nicely done.
Do you know how bad it would suck to have whatever that one thing you need is slide right in the middle of that bed?
I also blame Facebook for not allowing people to put whatever price they want.

apologies, been a little busy, but finally made a run back out to cape fear pick-n-pull....

driver side, back, passenger side, header panel pass side, header panel driver side, 3 pics driver wheelwell, 3 pics pass wheelwell, bed above and bed below.

Cool, thanks for the pics. I don't think that's much better than the one I have though.