FB MP finds of the day.

This thing would be cool as hell with a little lift and some 31 ats

My brother's truck. Based on what I've seen here, that's not a terrible price.




Don’t know that I’ve ever seen one of these. The OG excursion.
Paul ceiner Ford in Kernersville kept those in stock. I was privileged to see the inside of several and even ride in a few as a buddy of mine washed cars at the dealership

Ciener prided himself on having the odd and quirky fords

Like those 2 seater convertible mustangs (McLaren tagged but nothing like the supercar)

And the stepside ranger with custom beds and Miami vice pastel paint schemes.

I wish I had taken pics of all that were on the lot back in the early 90s. People simply wouldn't believe it

Don’t know that I’ve ever seen one of these. The OG excursion.
Seen many of those. They were very popular in FL with the grove owners. Great to bring people out in the groves in. Back in the 80's and 90's that was a thing down there. If I had $25K I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

Alright, somebody put this in something cool and post the build.
That looks 2wd. The ones I see have been 6r from the cab chassis and are about $7K IIRC.
You should find you an F100 or a mustang to drop it in.
Yes. I would love to. But the house here in Camden has no garage. Why I go to Hartsville to work on they race jeep. Which is one reason its not even close to done.
Not FB, but damn.

Notice it’s in the shade. If you moved it out into the sunlight the interior would instantly combust. Might as well just go ahead and take a hammer to the dash.