finally my XJ to keep for good, innovative

Curious what you used to weld the control arms with?
What type of welding rod? Interested in doing the same thing to my Xj...

Best filler rod I've used were the high-nickel coat hangers from the dry cleaners down the street.

Pro tip I picked up from my buds Robbybobby and Jon-john.
Add 3 more sets of stock control arms overlapped and welded together, cut off the factory mounts on the body. Grab some thin, light weight sheet metal and make new mounts near the cross member. Then you will have a really cheap long arm upgrade while keeping it the same weight or lighter.

Or just do away with the lower control arms all together, then the axle will get the right angle itself automatically and flex like cray. Very cheap and easy 2 link. You won't have death wobble anymore then.

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Just a few pics of the ASU jeeps custom fab track bar mount. 20131122_095835.jpg 20131122_095844.jpg


  • 20131122_095825.jpg
    171.7 KB · Views: 534
Such impressive fab work!!!
Like I said.... his vehicles should be crushed.....

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Please. Just. STOP! Im not going to bash you and I never get on peoples threads to bash even if it is horrible but what you are doing is just plan UNSAFE. What you think is cool and budget built could potentially kill someone if it broke going down a road and caused a wreck. You would not be to proud of your "build" if you hit a soccermom minivan full of kids head on beacause of your ignorant ideas.

Do man kind a favor.....PLEASE. JUST. STOP!!!!!!
Please. Just. STOP! Im not going to bash you and I never get on peoples threads to bash even if it is horrible but what you are doing is just plan UNSAFE. What you think is cool and budget built could potentially kill someone if it broke going down a road and caused a wreck. You would not be to proud of your "build" if you hit a soccermom minivan full of kids head on beacause of your ignorant ideas.

Do man kind a favor.....PLEASE. JUST. STOP!!!!!!

He would just find another reason to blame it on. And we r just all wrong with what we are saying. And just trying to bash him.
And thats why all his threads ens up this way. Once someone points an issue of something being unsafe. He starts the same bs. But this is also coming from a guy that says he has rebuilt an engine and everything is new except the internals. Go figure.
These welds remind me of the freshman boy who takes the family friend's daughter to prom because she was dumped by her cheap ass boyfriend.

On one hand you give him credit because he is definitely in the game, but its clear to everyone there is absolutely no chance of penetration...
Its really unbelievable. Im sure it wont b long and it will b just like the other jeep he built. Someone found how unroad worthy it is and scraps it. That great trac bar mount on the ASU jeep . Finally fixed itself. It wont turn left. I actually thought about keeping it at the shop on display. Painting the faualty mods orange to show people what to look for and what not to do. But mine doesnt have a set of his nifty hi tech control arms.
Would you mind designing and making me a set of jeepster longarm control arms to replace these?
Sad thing is, the Wheeling community lost a good person a few years back up in Harlan due to a faulty track bar mount. He lost control and went over the side of the road.

This is serious and you need to stop building and selling crap before you are responsible for someone's death.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Sad thing is, the Wheeling community lost a good person a few years back up in Harlan due to a faulty track bar mount. He lost control and went over the side of the road.

This is serious and you need to stop building and selling crap before you are responsible for someone's death.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

You arent referencing Gabe are ya?