Ive never bashed anyone until people fill my threads up with their "deathtrap" comments and tell me im some inbred sumbass. Get ur act straight, but bracket advise taken and someday my deathtrap wil be right along side some of these guys and just might be surprised., when shes more complete
Ok so someone called your rig a deathtrap and you were offended. That's a reasonable response.
Now lets look further into that interaction.
We can most likely conclude that 1 of 2 scenarios are responsible for someone calling your rig a deathtrap.
1- That person is a big meany and just likes picking on you.
2- That person is accurate and your rig is, in fact, un safe.
Without seeing lots of picks and typing literally hundreds of paragraphs explaining engineering, physics, etc. It is hard to analyze whther that person is accuate.
I will therefor look for more evidence.
Judging by multiple posts it appears that several people, all very knowledgeable and respected and many of each having built more rigs than some people have ridden in, all conclude that your rig is in fact a deathtrap. Again we can assume one of two things is factual here
1- The entire group is a mob and runs off new and innovative ideas and builders. In short the entire group are all big meanies.
2- The group is accurate and your rig is, in fact, unsafe.
Again we have to draw some conclusions.
NC4x4 is still expanding and adding new members every month. New people are welcomed and accepted every month from all over the globe. So it isn't the fact that this is a group of closed minded individuals who hate anything new as tey have shown themselves welcoming to other new members. It is the fact that as a whole many find your rig and builds to be unsafe and hope that you will learn from their experience.
But instead of listening and learning you rant and rave about social media, socio economic injustice, and monsters under the bed.
Mommy isnt here. She isnt going to tell you we are all big meanies.
You need to grow up and accept that you are not TODAY a fabricator who has any business doing what you are doing to modify vehicles. What you are doing is un wise, unsafe and in some cases illegal.
I have no personal beef with you, Id gladly have a beer with you, or a coke if you are more inclined and swap stories, I am sure you would be entertaining. You certainly have a passion for the sport and you are clealry not lazy as you are definiely out there building something. I think those traits are rather admirable. Someone with passion, motivation, work ethic and intelligence can obtain anythign they desire given training. I feel strongly you possess 3 of the 4, that is not an insult merely me saying I cant speak to your intelligence. I can say that you are ignorant of proper fabrication techniques. Ignorance is not an insult it merely means you have not yet been taught. Continually ignoring teaching and proclaiming you know best will quickly move you from ignroant to the stupid category.
I hope you stick around and learn from some folks here.
I feel certain you will rant and rave at me and tell me how big and mean I am.
You have guys in this thread who have built many many rigs for themselves and paying customers. (Not a buddy giving you a hundred bucks to put a lift kit on, people who have paid thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for them to fabricate full blown rigs for them, rigs that have been in magazines, on TV etc.)
Please heed their advice.