free roll cage material

John this is a great time to have some humble pie and learn. Do the test, and instead of bashing you, Mac and others can point out what went wrong. Maybe, if you get your head on straight some folks here would be willing to show you and hand full of tips. Amazing what you can learn in one hour with someone when your willing to admit that you don't already know and you want to learn.

We really bust your balls here, but folks are willing to teach/educate if others are willing to learn.
very do you think I'm a "self taught" mechanic and welding and everything else i know...
Only thing i was taught properly, lol, is how to build Log Homes and framing!!!
Obviously not by listening and accepting advice :shaking:
So you support your family by operating a business without a license like a criminal would but you arent a criminal you changed your ways.
dude seriously WTF??? you have any idea how hard my life has been to support my family without a job...with just making it by? you have any idea how hard and long i've worked to have the small thing i do and the customer base i have? you have any idea how times I've been evicted with all 5kids at some point? have any idea how it is and what it means to truly " DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO TO MAKE A LIVING"???? NO obviously you don't otherwise you wouldn't have said your smart ass remark...just lost all respect for your ......................peace dude. don't tell me what you don't know about a hard life of being a failure and having to make the best of least I'm not out doing drugs and drinking anymore and am very proud to do what i don't like how I support my bills with what poor choices I've made in life, tough.
1.I have no family to help period. 2. I have no relatives to help 3. Been on my own since 17 and worked for every penny i've made and material thing i have 4. I've never had anything/anyone to give me a head start or hand up....only have what God gave me to start a family and this little work i do to pay the bills and have somewhat of a life. People like you are the ones that would turn a guy like me in and get me taken away from my family because I'm just doing what I am very little capable of doing after so many years of turn downs and turn downs and when i make something work, someone like you comes along to tell me I'm still a my "not so Christian way" ...kiss my ass
you need to understand that a structural weld does in fact need to be of this strength and integrity. that level of expectation is NOT of NC4x4 specifically, it is an industry standard and paying customers are expecting that level of work, and they deserve it. also, please understand that the best weld on sub par materials/application is still just a good weld on sub par materials/application, but mechanical design is another whole can of worms for a completely different engineering area. I can show you hundreds of instances over my years where I have welded poorly on used whatever but I would NEVER send it out into the public to risk life or limb to an unsuspecting customer. sometimes, you can hack it, sometimes you can't and thats where true experience comes into play. Im sorry that it took 400 posts to beat that into your noggin. however if there was a collective break through and no nuns or puppies were hurt then all is good. sometimes you throw the oranges, sometimes you catch them (See what I did there)

I am very, very interested to see how your welds would fare against this test, it would be a real eye opener. and then when that weld breaks almost immediately and you go 'wow, thats crazy', then go out somewhere and shoot that air tank and when it explodes that will be a real lesson too. 15 gallons of 135psi compressed air is a massive amount of potential energy.

again, safety #1. you are a bit out there, but I can imagine that it would haunt you to your dying days if you were responsible for someones injury due to shotty work that was eclipsed by ego and mis information. the guys that are skilled in fab work are expensive and theres a reason why.

same for lawyers and doctors. them bitches seem expensive until you need them, then you go running with your wallet open yelling help.

peace out
John this is a great time to have some humble pie and learn. Do the test, and instead of bashing you, Mac and others can point out what went wrong. Maybe, if you get your head on straight some folks here would be willing to show you and hand full of tips. Amazing what you can learn in one hour with someone when your willing to admit that you don't already know and you want to learn.

We really bust your balls here, but folks are willing to teach/educate if others are willing to learn.
I will do my best to take advise the best I can
Interesting you choose to tell me what In know nothing about without knowing me.

You are right. My life has been a bed of roses. Mommy and Daddy loved me. Bought me my first car and my first house. Paid for my college degree for 10 years and bail me out regularly. I was a model citizen all along and the police routinely helped me.
holy crap...i just realized: you welded 2pieces together than it gets bent like a U like that and that weld you did bends like that and to pass it can't crack or anything while bending that much???? DAAAAMMMMMM ....yeah i would fail miserably probably at that
And that, sir, is what it means to weld.

John, I'm curious, and I mean this seriously. Have you ever taken a welding course? I don't mean formal certification classes to become a pro - but just a continuing-ed class at a local community college?
It looks like a basic con-ed class at Caldwell Community College is only about $200. I think this would be a very good investment for you. I took a couple at Forsythe Tech several years ago, some of the best money I ever spent. I am not a fabricator by trade, I just did this to learn. I am still a hack welder. But the thing I really learned by taking the class was the difference between good and bad welds. They showed us the difference in stress-test performance between our hack welds and those done properly. And I got to see the difference between before, and after, I took the class.
My final point in this latest abomination of a thread:

I am going to use an analogy please try to play along.

I have played Russian Rouletter 10 times. I am still alive. Hate on haters. Russian Roulette is perfectly safe no one can die because of the way I hold the gun. Now Russian Roulette may not be for you but for the way I play and the way I hold the gun it is safe.

Fuck You
God Bless
^^^^^^ who all looked at the tabs in Ratguy's screenshot to see if he was doing gay midget porn tonight??
lol I did specifically close a couple just to avoid the questions
I am very, very interested to see how your welds would fare against this test, it would be a real eye opener. and then when that weld breaks almost immediately and you go 'wow, thats crazy', then go out somewhere and shoot that air tank and when it explodes that will be a real lesson too. 15 gallons of 135psi compressed air is a massive amount of potential energy.
well I am too man, i am too. Having that said, lets not forget though that for as long as I've been welding I've never had a failure and have never welded anything on a customers car that I did not feel 110% confident that it would pass for the life of the vehicle. On my jeep turd....yeah probably, maybe even though it sees more abuse than any customers car and still never broke any of my stuff. Even if my test fails i just want to at least say that I WILL LEARN and TAKE advise but I will not sit here and be told for the last 7years that I have risked every customer's life and car due to my lack of welding knowledge. Sure I clearly see there is WAY WAY more to welding than I ever thought possible BUT for simple exhaust work, welding some 1/8" to 1/4" brackets on some axles and crossmembers and general 3/16" bumper material....well I have learned pretty good for myself and this piece of my so called "rig of a deathtrap" is the highest of example of my "holds" on welds since it has seen the most abuse out of any welding job of mine and has the most ghetto fab work with those welds and yet still would never doubt it, just sayin.
Interesting you choose to tell me what In know nothing about without knowing me.

You are right. My life has been a bed of roses. Mommy and Daddy loved me. Bought me my first car and my first house. Paid for my college degree for 10 years and bail me out regularly. I was a model citizen all along and the police routinely helped me.
listen ROn, you went and ran your mouth first pal, NOT ME so be accountable for your actions and words first. I only responded in my defense to you putting me down on a VERY VERY PERSONAL LEVEL that struck a cord..cause after all the companies and jobs telling me I'm a looser and failure, I don't need you telling me I'm a criminal supporting my family.
You wanna judge me and my building abilities? Good do it all day long and talk all the trash you want
You wanna judge my welds and control arms and roll cage and air tank? Good have fun
but you went WAY WRONG to so many levels to call me a criminal when you don't know the hard life that I have had here in America and in my 11yrs of Romania and that is why people who bash others need to keep it AWAY FROM PERSONAL MATTERS.
So you wanna hate me, go ahead but YOU sir are the one who stepped on my toes and I just responded.
dude seriously WTF??? you have any idea how hard my life has been to support my family without a job...with just making it by? you have any idea how hard and long i've worked to have the small thing i do and the customer base i have? you have any idea how times I've been evicted with all 5kids at some point? have any idea how it is and what it means to truly " DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO TO MAKE A LIVING"???? NO obviously you don't otherwise you wouldn't have said your smart ass remark...just lost all respect for your ......................peace dude. don't tell me what you don't know about a hard life of being a failure and having to make the best of least I'm not out doing drugs and drinking anymore and am very proud to do what i don't like how I support my bills with what poor choices I've made in life, tough.
1.I have no family to help period. 2. I have no relatives to help 3. Been on my own since 17 and worked for every penny i've made and material thing i have 4. I've never had anything/anyone to give me a head start or hand up....only have what God gave me to start a family and this little work i do to pay the bills and have somewhat of a life. People like you are the ones that would turn a guy like me in and get me taken away from my family because I'm just doing what I am very little capable of doing after so many years of turn downs and turn downs and when i make something work, someone like you comes along to tell me I'm still a my "not so Christian way" ...kiss my ass
1 - I know that it's been a while John, but you might want to think back to some old threads where I know that Ron has explained his own life story to YOU before.
I won't re-hash but lets say that you're talking directly to a guy who has himself been through quite a bit, on his own, and also ran his own business through tremendous up and then right back down. Over the years he has been open about that here so that others could learn from his experience.
2 - You're still missing the point. Running a business without a license, and not paying taxes on the money earned by that business, is against the law. No matter how hard it is, and yes we understand there is a struggle - you still have to follow the law. Which means, in this case, having a license and paying taxes owed from the business income. THIS is what Ron is getting at. You are breaking the law, and thus still a criminal.
John, I'm curious, and I mean this seriously. Have you ever taken a welding course?
no, i told you guys I've taught myself everything but building log homes. I CANNOT DO SCHOOL..hard to believe i know...bad case of ADD and ADHD...very hyper person who can't stand still and focus very long in classrooms...just how it is man but I'm not ashamed of it. It is what it is, school isn't for everyone. I learn from watching people and working with's why i love to work and work extra hard to compensate for my lack of attention span. Once i get in the zone though, I'm in the zone and can work 20straight hours with no food, no breaks, no drink....I regularly will work all day and all night when i get a big engine rebuild job just to get the customer back on the road as quickly as possible and love doing that.
1 - I know that it's been a while John, but you might want to think back to some old threads where I know that Ron has explained his own life story to YOU before.
I won't re-hash but lets say that you're talking directly to a guy who has himself been through quite a bit, on his own, and also ran his own business through tremendous up and then right back down. Over the years he has been open about that here so that others could learn from his experience.
2 - You're still missing the point. Running a business without a license, and not paying taxes on the money earned by that business, is against the law. No matter how hard it is, and yes we understand there is a struggle - you still have to follow the law. Which means, in this case, having a license and paying taxes owed from the business income. THIS is what Ron is getting at. You are breaking the law, and thus still a criminal.
I see where this is going and I'm done....judge me all you want and call whoever you want on me as you would do. later
Tough skin, get some.
to the rest of the crowd...nice to see yall again and chit chat but I'm done before either I'm banned (who cares) or worse...take what little i have away from my family. You all have yourselves a good day, good weekend and a good life.
Moderators you are more than welcome to delete my account now. Thank you
and please cancel your order of the wire and steel plates please...I don't want to have anything to do with anyone. thank you
no, i told you guys I've taught myself everything but building log homes. I CANNOT DO SCHOOL..hard to believe i know...bad case of ADD and ADHD...very hyper person who can't stand still and focus very long in classrooms...just how it is man but I'm not ashamed of it. It is what it is, school isn't for everyone. I learn from watching people and working with's why i love to work and work extra hard to compensate for my lack of attention span. Once i get in the zone though, I'm in the zone and can work 20straight hours with no food, no breaks, no drink....I regularly will work all day and all night when i get a big engine rebuild job just to get the customer back on the road as quickly as possible and love doing that.
I think you should seriously consider one of those $187 continuing ed classes.
They are NOT LIKE classroom classes. Typically they are just 1 evening a week, for a couple of hours. In a shop, with your own booth, and access to an instructor. They give you tips, you practice. You get feedback, you practice more. All hands-on learning.
The 3 classes I took at Forsyth - in every case we spent a total of about 2 hrs sitting in a room, over the course of the whole semester. An hour the first day, and a few days w/ a 15-minute lesson.
These are classes made for people who have other jobs and short attention spans.
A couple things.

I have your address, so feel free to edit that post so it's no longer in public as I don't want anyone to use it against you.

I'm still going to send you plates to weld. Send them back if you wish, keep them for practice, whatever. Either way, I'll get them together and get them sent out this week.

I'll include plenty of instructions to get you up to speed, as well as diagrams and images of what to do.

As far as your situation:

I've had several students pass through the shop doors that are in similar circumstances, that had trouble finding work until the work ethic, and willingness to learn exceeded any concern of their past.

The truth is, there is a shortage of people who actually want to work at a skilled trade. Knowledge base, eagerness to learn, desire to strive, and most of all an unstoppable work ethic can land a job and turn that into a career. The only person stopping anyone from achieving this is the person under the welding helmet.

There are tons of students will adhd, add, as well as a list of other issues that have done terrible in other classes to strive in a hands on shop class.

You are too ignorant and naive to think you are the only person that has ever been in your situation, or gone through similar circumstances.

You, myself, and all others face adversity in different ways.

Successful people deal with, move on, push forward, and keep pursuing our goals.

Successful people don't make excuses for their failures. Successful people admit when things don't go well, learn from it, and move on. Be humble, and work harder than anyone else around, or at least try to. Work harder and never stop learning about everything you can. Never settle, or say meh, that's good enough. Accept that it's never good enough and can always be better. Strive to make it better.

This is where a skilled instructor will present the same book info that is necessary to learn however boring it may be, but present it in the shop with real world examples, and in a manner that students can actually retain.

I'm not a great welder, and many of my students can often exceed my capacity by the end of the class. I'm not a professional welder, I'm just a part time instructor. I learned to weld to work on our offroad vehicles, and it was my responsibility to improve my welding when I wanted to take on more projects for me, my dad, and my close friends.

I want to see your welds, test them, criticize them, and offer suggestions to improve them. I want to do this to help you, and help protect your future customers.

Yes structural components can be welded with a 110v machine and flux core wire, but should only be done by someone who fully understands the short comings of short circuit mig welding.

This biggest idea to overcome:

Going too slow and trying to "burn it in" with less than 150 amps and or 24 volts, will cause poor fusion, and the weld will build outward with low penetration on the inside "root" of the weld.

In order to multipass mig weld with a small output mig machine on .250" and thicker plate, the arc MUST be kept on the leading edge of the weld puddle.

Otherwise the puddle insulates the arc from the base metal as the weld grows outward away from joint and towards the weld gun.

I'm simpler terms, it's the difference between a sound weld with adequate fusion, versus apply metal caulk on top of the joint.
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1.I have no family to help period. 2. I have no relatives to help 3. Been on my own since 17 and worked for every penny i've made and material thing i have 4. I've never had anything/anyone to give me a head start or hand up.

Like your the only one here who's made their own way.I was nearly 40 before I had a place to work that didn't involve a rock driveway and a piece of left over carpet to lay on,and I'm sure some had less than that.
lol I did specifically close a couple just to avoid the questions
Or answer some of those 24000 emails.:eek:
There are tons of students will adhd, add, as well as a list of other issues that have done terrible in other classes to strive in a hands on shop class.

I have this.. um.. friend who...

Some of those students with ADHD or ADHD/PI even went on to get engineering degrees with enough struggle and perseverance and some repeated classes and a lot of debt, even though they think sometimes that it would be more fun if they went back to being a technician... ;)

The point to reinforce is that it's an obstacle that can be overcome, not a crippling barrier to prevent you from doing something. The best thing to do is research and learn about it, and figure out how to play to your strengths. ADHD has some very good benefits in some situations, and it will not prevent you from doing anything even though it may make some things more difficult.

FYI to John, others: ADD and ADHD are not seperate things, they're two names for the same condition. ADD is just the outdated name that isn't used much anymore.
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dude seriously WTF??? you have any idea how hard my life has been to support my family without a job...with just making it by? you have any idea how hard and long i've worked to have the small thing i do and the customer base i have? you have any idea how times I've been evicted with all 5kids at some point? have any idea how it is and what it means to truly " DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO TO MAKE A LIVING"???? NO obviously you don't otherwise you wouldn't have said your smart ass remark...just lost all respect for your ......................peace dude. don't tell me what you don't know about a hard life of being a failure and having to make the best of least I'm not out doing drugs and drinking anymore and am very proud to do what i don't like how I support my bills with what poor choices I've made in life, tough.
1.I have no family to help period. 2. I have no relatives to help 3. Been on my own since 17 and worked for every penny i've made and material thing i have 4. I've never had anything/anyone to give me a head start or hand up....only have what God gave me to start a family and this little work i do to pay the bills and have somewhat of a life. People like you are the ones that would turn a guy like me in and get me taken away from my family because I'm just doing what I am very little capable of doing after so many years of turn downs and turn downs and when i make something work, someone like you comes along to tell me I'm still a my "not so Christian way" ...kiss my ass
1. You have/had family hear and A LOT have tried to help and you have smacked there hands. This is the biggest family alot of us have!
2. I have nothing for this this.
3. Myself and alot of others on here are in the same boat. I have a shop in my area that hires nothing but cons because the shop owner also made a poor decision in his past also. The jobs are out there you have to dig way deeper, yes it hard i totally agree but they are there.
4. I do believe you had some stuff given to you or sold way cheap to help you get a shop truck going from people on the board(wait for it..... Trying to help out ie the family here referred to in 1), and it was sold off.......

Maybe you need to pick up the bible you talk about and look for some passages that talk about god placing test infront of you to make you stronger? Look at Moses..... I cant quote vs but do read and believe. Step back for a minute, take the chip off your shoulder and look at this as a chance for help that a lot of the guys have been trying to do for a LONG time but you have been unable to see because of excuses.......
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