free roll cage material

, can't imagine what the place you eat at must look like.

I'm sure those pics would land this in the garage and Jody in the doghouse (and not the one Jasper stays in)
@marty79 truly blow me away!!!!! I really don't want to add another 15 pages to this with your long winded rant...

BUT...please just think about this!...
If you get in trouble and go to prison (your welcome for the food and cable TV we all payed for!) Can't get a job anywere, always having people mad at you....well friend you need to look INWARD !!!!! It's not us! It's YOU!

Spare me the I can't get a job bullshit! There are plenty of jobs out there you can get! Tons of my customers have Xcons working for them! You just have to get out there and push!!!

Spare me the I can't go and learn how to properly weld so my "customers" don't die! I have ADD/ADHD/HIV....blah and everyone else! !!! I dropped out of school in the 9th grade because I couldn't do school! And guess what!! Went back got my GED, went to college, it was hard! But like you said you do what you have to do to support your family.
I dropped out of school in the 9th grade because I couldn't do school! And guess what!! Went back got my GED


I was booted out at 13 years old. Had to quit school at 15 and go to work to survive. Traveled till I was 25. At 32 I took the test and got my GED.

I was booted out at 13 years old. Had to quit school at 15 and go to work to survive. Traveled till I was 25. At 32 I took the test and got my GED.
Yes but without a high-school diploma you will be stuck making $15,000 a year tops.
I've been around welding since I was old enough to understand a ground cable had to be clamped on the material to be welded. My dad started out as a welder in a mill in Pittsburgh. He took classes in welding to better himself and moved on to be northeast US district sales manager for a national welder and welding rod manufacturer ( P&H Harnisfeger) he later went on to be sales manager for the largest welding distributor east of the Mississippi (Harvey Co). I have owned a welder since I was a teenager. I took my first welding class at a CC last fall. In some 30 some hours I managed to pass one test. I learned a whole lot and it was difficult but rewarding. I look to NC 4x4 for knowledge and information. If there is a positive about this thread it would be the recommendations to attend school whether for welding or a GED. When we go past repairing vehicles and into to world of altering vehicles to make them go places beyond the manufacturer's design we must do our best to make them safe for ourselves , our families, and those sharing the land with us. I don't want to be around anyone that doesn't share that goal .
"if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right"

That's where my head has always been in these threads... but that argument gets you nowhere. Because you're just a hater that likes to hate on another man's half-assed, thick-skulled hackery. Because hater.
Can't. My moderator privileges got taken away. :rolleyes:

You say that but.,...


And yes I know you can just admin unblock yourself.
Yes but without a high-school diploma you will be stuck making $15,000 a year tops.
Wrong, my 4th year on the road I made 50k that's not counting generator cut in and disconnects.
I think Dylan may legitimately be confused.
@marty79 please bring this train derailment back to its regural derailment.
gentlemen, i just came back to clear something up:
I am apologizing for my attitude in earlier page, especially @Ron. I was by no means implying I only have struggles but merely stating my hardships in life that I have had. Between my criminal history that haunts me (still currently does as I am job searching again off the mountain and getting turned down left and right) and my wife who has health issues (anxiety/panic disorder) it makes it twice as hard for me to work because well, when i do finally get a job it has to kind of work for her. Please don't comment on wife's issue as enough people have made fun of her before (not on here) and it is what it is but does make my life with these 2 things very difficult to have a "normal" job and such.
School is another thing I have thought to do for career opportunities but again, with my stuff, my wife's health and other limitations have been too hard to even consider the option up to this point. (not making excuses, things are just harder and more complex than i explain on here)
Lastly and again not making excuses, but I get very sensitive when my past is brought up and compared with me now. I realize there have been some things I do that might not be 100% according to the system and not to be legitimizing them but with my complex difficult times I have had,...I just have felt no other option but to do the little side work I do, which btw, i do not have a business by any means at income might be 1400 a month on average.
I totally understand the advise/facts I have been told and given about businesses and schooling and welding and IF i come off as slapping you in the face as someone put it, I am sorry as I AM NOT and do not intent to seem excusing any hardships. I do not go into full detail about my personal life and struggles because with many people I have opened up to, it backfired so now I'm pretty closed for the most part (outside of what I have mentioned and there is a lot more complications).
I totally understand picking, nagging, making fun, trashing my build and the ways I do things on my stuff but I just ask for future reference if you could please refrain from mentioning certain subject I would really appreciate it, thank you very much.
Ever seen a Doc about bipolar disorder?
again lets not go there...I have seen my share of "Docs" for too many things to list...Id rather not
Welding is one of those careers that don't seem to care what you did/do. I had a classmate that started the day I did. Ex con straight out of prison looking to turn his life around. He got his mig/flux core cert and is now working an apprentice job making $15+ an hour. No shit. If you love it, and you must, go for it!