
Tanker drivers aren't paid to "check tanks", they are paid to deliver fuel. If anybody was checking tanks, it is the manager/employee with the dip pole checking level, or a maintenance guy in a service truck. (Or, the state weights and measures guys, but they are pretty obvious).

You got the :poop:
No I didnt get the:poop: I run diesel I have not had to sit in a line yeat. I just wanted to hear the lies that are being told to the american SHEEPLES.
I just came off of hwy 73 in concord and seen a tanker putting gas in the tanks at the exxon all the pumps were covered with bags. came back thru about 1 hr later and all the pumps were still covered so I pulled in and asked the girl behind the counter if they had gas and she said no and didnt know when they would be gitting any. I had to throw the bull:poop: flag on that one and began to tell her that I saw the truck putting gas in the tanks about an hour ago and she said they were just checking them. so you tell me who is :poop: who.

dude i live 2 minutes from that exxon i saw the tanker too just wnt at 1045 not letting me get anything. pissed i have to wake up earlier for work in the morning to brave the lines of cars.
Well in some cases I guess lies are better than people going crazy. Just think if one idiot found out they had gas but they were told not to allow pumping till the morning and he decided to go nuts. I had people calling me over and getting all pissed while we had multiple police cars at the station with officers walking around too. So if they are going to yell at me (someone that doesn't even work there) and the police, just think if the police weren't there. I don't agree with waiting till morning to pump gas, but some kind of gas is better than no gas. Or maybe I am just too optimistic.
dude i live 2 minutes from that exxon i saw the tanker too just wnt at 1045 not letting me get anything. pissed i have to wake up earlier for work in the morning to brave the lines of cars.

That make no sense. Why the hell would you NOT sell the most in demand product around if you had it and others did not?
Welcome back to the gas "shortage" of the 70's
I drive nearly 100 miles round trip to work and back. I NEVER just get 10 or 20 bucks worth, I always fill up. Why? Just don't make sense to me to stop every day to get gas.
When I was getting gas this past week, I saw several people filling multiple gas containers, not just their car tanks. I even saw a guy filling a gas can while it was still in the back of his SUV. I bought a bunch of gas for the RV because I was just not prepared to go out of town and do the search thing every time I needed to fill up. The RV holds 85 gallons. This is for a vacation that has been planned for months. Many hours of repairs and preparations. I have to put in for vacation days many months back to get the time I want. Add to that it's not just me, but others that have planned for the same time.
Personally, I think it's just another ploy by the gas people to keep the price up. Remember when Katrina come through? there was damage and that was the reason we were told that fuel went up so much. Damage fixed, price didn't come down. Now the price of oil per barrel has come down, so they think of another way to keep us paying the same exploded prices.
You can not convince me otherwise. It's a ploy, it's greed, it's a lie.
That make no sense. Why the hell would you NOT sell the most in demand product around if you had it and others did not?
The only thing that I could think of was because of trash. If the tanks were empty and then got filled wouldn't all the trash in the bottom of the tanks get sturred up? So if they let the gas sit a while in the tanks the trash would settle to the bottom.
so what about up near URE? we got a group heading up next week from thursday night - tuesday afternoon....i don't wana get stuck having to wait for gas just so i can get back to school

The Mountain Market has gas for $3.77/gal for regular. usually there is not a line of more than one or two cars if anything. you should be fine.
I paid $3.57/gal in Pine Grove, PA yesterday. Suckers. :flipoff2:

All the gas 'round here comes in through Jersey. No problems, nice and cheap. Just have to contend with, well, Jersey.
I paid $3.57/gal in Pine Grove, PA yesterday. Suckers. :flipoff2:
All the gas 'round here comes in through Jersey. No problems, nice and cheap. Just have to contend with, well, Jersey.

I also paid $3.57 on sat. in Mebane N.C and dint have to deal with Jersey.....just a couple people who probly came from there
Gas is 3.55 at sheetz on 68 here in g-bro.
How in the hell are there still any shortages anywhere, there is no lack of supply, it's getting bogged down in the supply chain, and it ain't where they make it.
That make no sense. Why the hell would you NOT sell the most in demand product around if you had it and others did not?
Think about it. Most stations make a total f around .01 to .02 a gallon after fees and everything are done. So, say you sell 6K a day during this gas thing. You still have only profited $120. The headache and extreme loss of business from all those crazy people filling your parking lot is not worth it. Take for instance where I work. We sold gas for 3 hours last Thursday, in the middle of all the hell. We sold the hell out of some gas, but I bet we didn't have 10 customers in that period buying anything else. After the gas was shut off, all the real customers came and we got extremely busy, because everyone that had planned on coming in before from around was coming in then, after all the morons left. You have to look at your business, and whats best for it, not whats best for the dumb asses that wants to buy $5-10 worth of gas to make sure he is topped off. And, that's what most people were doing. I bet 90% of the people that came where I work Thursday got $20 or less, that's topping off, not real need. Those idiots are the ones that are responsible for this "shortage". I talk to the tanker drivers every time they come in, and I have a bit of info that would make you all cringe if you knew it. And it would go and show you that if the media wouldn't of induced a panic and had everyone filling every jug, water bottle, and gas can they could find, this shit would of never happened.
The supply was low because of falling wholesale prices. They didnt want to hold gas because the price was falling. There was just enough in the tank farms to get by. A slight interuption in supply lines when there is not much on hand and boom an artificial shortage.
Think about it. Most stations make a total f around .01 to .02 a gallon after fees and everything are done.

No way that is all they make. They would go out of business. I see stations a few miles apart charging up to $0.49 difference in price. Somebody is making a killing.
No way that is all they make. They would go out of business. I see stations a few miles apart charging up to $0.49 difference in price. Somebody is making a killing.
It's all about the distributor. What a distributor charges in mark up can be way different between companies and especially brands of gas. I've seen the cost on what we sell, I know what it is. Their is about a 5-6 cent a gallon mark-up, and after you get past all the credit card fees, it averages out to about a penny.
It's all about the distributor. What a distributor charges in mark up can be way different between companies and especially brands of gas. I've seen the cost on what we sell, I know what it is. Their is about a 5-6 cent a gallon mark-up, and after you get past all the credit card fees, it averages out to about a penny.

So if a store sells 6,000 gallons a day, it makes $60/day on fuel, then a few dollars more on items inside? How do you cover your bills with such little income?
Inside items. Stores sell gas as a gimmick to get people inside. As far as the small C stores, I have no idea how they stay going. I work at a station that is basically a mini grocery store with a stocked meat counter and produce section, so I can't comment on that.
Stores dont make a killing on gas, but .01-.02 is way low.
5-6% is avg nation wide.

Right now in the SE 35-40% is estimated by all the federal market folks.

Here is what I will telll you. Just like this forum there are forums for everything and information readily available. If you want to know who makes the best performing tire will you get a more unbiased opinion from Interco's web site or this one?

Same thing with the gas business, get out your google pretend you own a gas statsion and want to maximize profits and do some prepared to read for hours.

One final point.
I have a good friend who owns multi C stores. Prior to the "shortage" he was on an alternating fill schedule. 2 weeks then 3 weeks then 2 etc.

In 12 years he has never had less than 4% left in his tanks on hat schedule. In the last month he has been getting weekly deliveries and has ran out 2 times. DEMAND IS HIGH BECAUSE OF PANIC. OH NOOOS there is NOOOOO GAS.....its a self fulfilling prophecy.
Think about it. Most stations make a total f around .01 to .02 a gallon after fees and everything are done. So, say you sell 6K a day during this gas thing. You still have only profited $120. The headache and extreme loss of business from all those crazy people filling your parking lot is not worth it. Take for instance where I work. We sold gas for 3 hours last Thursday, in the middle of all the hell. We sold the hell out of some gas, but I bet we didn't have 10 customers in that period buying anything else. After the gas was shut off, all the real customers came and we got extremely busy, because everyone that had planned on coming in before from around was coming in then, after all the morons left. You have to look at your business, and whats best for it, not whats best for the dumb asses that wants to buy $5-10 worth of gas to make sure he is topped off. And, that's what most people were doing. I bet 90% of the people that came where I work Thursday got $20 or less, that's topping off, not real need. Those idiots are the ones that are responsible for this "shortage". I talk to the tanker drivers every time they come in, and I have a bit of info that would make you all cringe if you knew it. And it would go and show you that if the media wouldn't of induced a panic and had everyone filling every jug, water bottle, and gas can they could find, this shit would of never happened.

It's simple, raise the price. Oh yea, you can't do that, it's wrong.
I say welcome to the jackasses/dumbasses of the 2000's

Sad but true. Back to gas..... still some stations in Graham that are out. Couple truck stops in Mebane are now at $3.48 They can sell for $3.48 and not run out but the guy selling for $3.72 runs out.:shaking:
Stores dont make a killing on gas, but .01-.02 is way low.
5-6% is avg nation wide.
Right now in the SE 35-40% is estimated by all the federal market folks.

5-6% sounds more reasonable. If a store sold 6,000 gallons a day at $3.75/gal, that would be $1,125 -$1,350 dollars which sounds more reasonable to cover expenses.

I have a good friend who owns multi C stores. Prior to the "shortage" he was on an alternating fill schedule. 2 weeks then 3 weeks then 2 etc.
In 12 years he has never had less than 4% left in his tanks on hat schedule. In the last month he has been getting weekly deliveries and has ran out 2 times. DEMAND IS HIGH BECAUSE OF PANIC. OH NOOOS there is NOOOOO GAS.....its a self fulfilling prophecy.

You can only take a bite off that sandwich once though. I could see a record several days of sales around the time Ike hit, but a week later those same people can't go out again and fill up every car they own (unless they are driving a shit ton more than usual and burned up all that they bought).

Personally, I have done nothing different than usual over the past few weeks. When Ike hit, two of my three vehicles had 1/4 tank. I didn't rush out and fill them up. I always fill up when I go to the pump though. Why the fawk would I want to stop more often?

I needed to fill up my Samurai on the way home from work last night, and found the Shell gas station in Oak Ridge was out. The guy 5 miles up the road charging $0.20 more per gallon still had gas though.