I cant wait to show yall my red necking skills! I bought a truck with half a tank of gas in it and we've been tooling around most of the day. Just up and down the dirt road. I've been letting anyone who would, drive it some to burn out some fuel before the tank gets dropped.
I will admit..there's not much fun to be had with an open diffed two wheel drive on a narrow dirt road. We played with the e-brake some, but it's too hard to unlock, to have much fun with.(fun factor will increase 10 fold when the diff gets welded)
So I took it up to the black top to see if I could make some black marks. Saw my buddy outside with his kids...(he's a sherrifs deputy) so I thought I'd just pull up and say hello. Actually, he's a cool guy and is crazy as the rest of us, so I told him what I was up to and pointed out that he was ,in fact, ''off duty'' and that I was ,in fact, about to do some smokey burnouts. He was cool with it as long as I bought some girl scout cookies from his kiddo. So a box of thin mints and a box of peanut butter cookies later....I had a few onlookers!
Until the video shows up...all I can say is 4 banger smoke show baby! It was so bad..err I mean good, that even the cops had to get out of there, before the cops got there!

yeah,as my wife said...... I took it up to idiot level.