government mandated time loan

Sitting here wide ass awake, thinking I’ll probably get tired in the next hour or so…since that’s what I’m used to. But that means I’ll probably only get 3-4hrs of sleep…and debating if I should just start drinking coffee and stay up.
Similar. I ended up staying up and starting the season of The Mandalorian. Getting up this morning was even harder than yesterday.
This is the first year that I can remember where it hasn’t bothered me. I really haven’t noticed a difference in my schedule. Helps that I have Monday and Tuesday off. Kids are out of school. Slept till 8am this morning. Can’t remember the last time I did that without the night before being a barn burner. Felt good. I guess technically it would be 7am, if you consider that sleeping in. I’m usually up at 5:30 wide awake.
Yall are some damn night owls. I was fast asleep at 9:30pm and up at 4:45am this morning.
Yall are some damn night owls. I was fast asleep at 9:30pm and up at 4:45am this morning.
And you're a boring old man. Do you also eat dinner at 5:30?
Yall are some damn night owls. I was fast asleep at 9:30pm and up at 4:45am this morning.

I’m usually a 2am’er. Get home from work around 7ish. Dinner with the family. Hang out with the kids/help with homework. Put the older two down around 9ish. Side hustle work from 9-11ish. Hang out with the wife until midnight. Decompress/read/dick around on the innernet until 2. Get up at 6ish for a couple laps around the neighborhood. Wake everyone up at 7, help get the kids ready for school and out the door by 8. Get myself ready for work and in the office by 9, and do it all over again. Frankly, I’m not sure where or how to work in any more sleep. But I’ve had a similar routine for the last 20yrs, since college early morning workouts.
Yall are some damn night owls. I was fast asleep at 9:30pm and up at 4:45am this morning.

I concur. We try to have the kids in bed by 930, and we like to be asleep by 1030. I roll out of bed at 645 and out the door by 700. Guess Im an old guy too?
I concur. We try to have the kids in bed by 930, and we like to be asleep by 1030. I roll out of bed at 645 and out the door by 700. Guess Im an old guy too?
Maybe... I find it interesting kids that age of yours are up as late as 9:30. At that age mine were crashing by 8... in part for them, and in part for us.
Even a the age of 12.5, Delaney goes to bed at 9 on school nights. Jonas (senior) crashes around 10:30-11.
My "me-time" is like 9:30-midnight. Although unlike @UTfball68 I rarely actually get much productive done then these days. Been blaming that on winter... but that excuse is vanishing....
Maybe... I find it interesting kids that age of yours are up as late as 9:30. At that age mine were crashing by 8... in part for them, and in part for us.
Even a the age of 12.5, Delaney goes to bed at 9 on school nights. Jonas (senior) crashes around 10:30-11.
My "me-time" is like 9:30-midnight. Although unlike @UTfball68 I rarely actually get much productive done then these days. Been blaming that on winter... but that excuse is vanishing....
Probably has something to do with them not getting up til around 830-900, and usually taking a 2-4 hour nap after lunch. We start winding down about 830 or so, vitamins in at 900 and lights out at 930. Usually asleep by 1000 and we arent far behind. Some nights Ill get lost in a book and not realize what time it is, otherwise Im asleep by the time my head hits the pillow.
Probably has something to do with them not getting up til around 830-900, and usually taking a 2-4 hour nap after lunch. We start winding down about 830 or so, vitamins in at 900 and lights out at 930. Usually asleep by 1000 and we arent far behind. Some nights Ill get lost in a book and not realize what time it is, otherwise Im asleep by the time my head hits the pillow.

My 5 year old was always very structured with nap time and bed time (until this year). She'd take a 2-3hr nap before dinner and she'd stay up until 10ish with me for 'daddy time'. My 4 year old has never napped well, is completely wide open from the time she opens her eyes. Not having her lay down and allowing her to remain active for that hour or two, pulled her bed time forward. But when that kid crashes, she's literally like pulling the battery out of the back of a toy. She can be mid-sentence and pass out. The 20 month NOT mess with her sleep schedule. She'll grab you by the hand and drag you to the bedroom, to tuck her in at 8pm.
My 5 year old was always very structured with nap time and bed time (until this year). She'd take a 2-3hr nap before dinner and she'd stay up until 10ish with me for 'daddy time'. My 4 year old has never napped well, is completely wide open from the time she opens her eyes. Not having her lay down and allowing her to remain active for that hour or two, pulled her bed time forward. But when that kid crashes, she's literally like pulling the battery out of the back of a toy. She can be mid-sentence and pass out. The 20 month NOT mess with her sleep schedule. She'll grab you by the hand and drag you to the bedroom, to tuck her in at 8pm.

David (4) hates nap time, but desperately needs it lol. He doesnt always nap, but the wife makes him at least lay down and and rest. Ollie is ready for bed at 830, no matter how many naps he takes.
Welcome to the most depressing end-of-work day of the year.
Welcome to the most depressing end-of-work day of the year.
Yeap. I left Charlotte at 4, and the sun had gone down by the time I made it home.
Between the time change, sleep still being erratic from cancer, and new medication, I was wide awake for about 26hrs so I slept most of the day 🤪
