government mandated time loan

It seems to me the big argument over DST and whether the permanent time should be the current DST or non-DST really comes down to a fight between the early birds and the night owls.
Personally I'd much rather have light after work to do stuff, I don't care so much if its dark when I get up and go to work, and even if there were more light before work its not like I'd use that time to work on my shed like I might afterwards. But I'm Team Night Owl and don't like to get out of bed anyway.

I can totally understand how some people might prefer it. Just not me... and my hopes is that we outnumber the crazies who DO like getting up early :D
I’m with you. Give me the daylight on the back end. I like my afternoons/evenings with more time than the mornings. I’ll happily drive to work in the dark.
i will acknowledge the biggest argument against DST as permanent is, as @shawn pointed out, that is sucks to have kids waiting for a school bus in the dark.

My reply to that is
1 - school times are not scripturally written in stone. Most of the time they are dictated by budgets and balancing bus re-use. Can be solved by changing start times or, gasp, properly funding schools.
2 - maybe natural selection against those incapable of avoiding cars is good for strengthening he herd :laughing:
i get the argument of kids in the dark at the bus stop, but when the sun doesnt rise until after 7a, they are in the dark anyway.

The old argument about farming is rather silly. Maybe it was true at one point, but in my experience, they work sun-up to down, or as long as needed, no matter what the clock says.
At least we use time zones, China uses one time zone for the whole country based on Bejing time.

As for DST, I really have no preference. I wonder if AZ would actually switch it's time to stay with MST or just go with PST since they don't observe DST.

It seems to me the big argument over DST and whether the permanent time should be the current DST or non-DST really comes down to a fight between the early birds and the night owls.
Personally I'd much rather have light after work to do stuff, I don't care so much if its dark when I get up and go to work, and even if there were more light before work its not like I'd use that time to work on my shed like I might afterwards. But I'm Team Night Owl and don't like to get out of bed anyway.

I can totally understand how some people might prefer it. Just not me... and my hopes is that we outnumber the crazies who DO like getting up early :D

I don't like getting up early, but my work schedule is 06:30 to 15:00. I could work about any schedule, but the later I go to work the later I have to stay. After a few years it seems almost normal to get up at 5 am to go to work.
At least we use time zones, China uses one time zone for the whole country based on Bejing time.

As for DST, I really have no preference. I wonder if AZ would actually switch it's time to stay with MST or just go with PST since they don't observe DST.

Hawaii would have to decide too
school times are not scripturally written in stone. Most of the time they are dictated by budgets and balancing bus re-use. Can be solved by changing start times or, gasp, properly funding schools.
When they did it in the 70s, a lot of schools shifted their schedule an hour later, so they were going to school at the same solar time. Of course, that negates the benefits of the clock shift for parents.
Duh? I mean this is exactly how time zones work already.
Bloomberg has some dumb shit occasionally but this really takes the cake.

Also, I just cannot get past this kind of logic...
Not only do students face higher risk of becoming crash victims, but de la Iglesia says sleep disruption hits adolescents harder than adults. Their natural rhythm is to stay up later at night and sleep later in the mornings, and daylight saving puts them on an artificially early schedule.
yes, that is absolutely true.

but it has very little to do with the sun cycle relative to the clock. You're not changing the time school starts. If the kid goes to bed at the same late TIME and gets up at the same TIME then this is irrelevant. It only affects how much light there is.

[now as a neurophysiologist I'll be the first to grant that your "wakefullness" is absolutely affected by natural light. But if in 90% of teh country its already dark when you wake up NOW bc school starts so early, it doesn't make a hill of beans difference.]
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That link doesnt even work for me anymore, it was just on the firefox homepage this morning so I don't even know how to get back to it.

The reason i posted that article was the section that talked about polling people regarding their acceptable range of sunrise and sunset times. I cant get to it now, but i think that overwhelmingly people aligned with abolishing DST, rather than making DST permanent.
It takes my body about 1-2 weeks to adjust every time it changes, then I am good.
The time tax man cometh
It takes my body about 1-2 weeks to adjust every time it changes, then I am good.
Every year it gets harder for me.
I had an exhausting day yesterday and crashed around 1am.
"Aaahhh I'll sleep in and call into the first meeting from home."
Body: Nope, sucker.
But this is the easy one. You gain an hour. "Losing" an hour in the spring is the one that kills me.
Not for me. Yeah I theoretically get an extra hour, but really, no, bc my body still wakes up at the same prior time, which means I'm then awak an hour longer the next day trying to get to "normal" and it take several days to adjust. "losing" an hour to me is just kinda like getting a bad night's sleep or going to bed later one time.
And then there is the feeling of despair when I walk out of work today and it's dark. Ugh.
Not for me. Yeah I theoretically get an extra hour, but really, no, bc my body still wakes up at the same prior time, which means I'm then awak an hour longer the next day trying to get to "normal" and it take several days to adjust. "losing" an hour to me is just kinda like getting a bad night's sleep or going to bed later one time.
And then there is the feeling of despair when I walk out of work today and it's dark. Ugh.
Man we are different. I just sleep an extra hour and rock on like nothing happen. Other than the fact it's pitch black at 5:45pm and I'm still at work, I'm already pretty well adjusted.
Just get up the same "time", go to bed the same "time"...
I have always kept my wake up times the exact same but I adjust my bedtime by 15 minutes or so each night throughout the week after the time change and it seems to work very well. Of course, this is completely out the window when you’re in a place that doesn’t observe or like in Afghanistan they do not observe daylight savings time and they’re 30 minutes off the clock not one full hour. It still sucks though because when it comes to this winter shift I go to work at door and come home dirt and that just is a real pain in my ass having to come home and do farm chores with a headlamp on.
I don’t remember the specifics but a college friend of mine moved just outside Indy . He wa s maybe an hour drive and worked in Indy his wife worked at the bank in the small town they lived in. So they worked in different time zones. Silly enough. But at that time (I think it’s since changed) the city of Indianapolis didn’t observe DST…so half the year he and his wife work schedule were -if I remember the details right - exactly the same and the other half they were two hours apart …it was a major strain on them so much so that the over specifically says from the weirdness
So who was late to church this morning?

My least favorite Sunday morning of the year, but followed by the best Monday evening walking out of work.
So who was late to church this morning?

My least favorite Sunday morning of the year, but followed by the best Monday evening walking out of work.

Nah. But I sure was missing that hour this morning.
So who was late to church this morning?

My least favorite Sunday morning of the year, but followed by the best Monday evening walking out of work.

Me. Straight up missed it altogether. I despise time change. The older I get the worse it seems to affect me. What sucks is by the time I get used to it, I’m driving to a new time zone, then another, then to AZ where they don’t recognize it, then up to Utah. I’ll be all messed up by then.
So who was late to church this morning?

Sitting here wide ass awake, thinking I’ll probably get tired in the next hour or so…since that’s what I’m used to. But that means I’ll probably only get 3-4hrs of sleep…and debating if I should just start drinking coffee and stay up.