Referring to my previous post, the monsoon weather continued, Granny 2 stayed home in the shed for the Fun Caravan, and we drove the car up on Saturday. Presently, my wife and I are both very well satisfied with that decision. However, I am now being accused of not really having Granny 2 at all, and that she is merely an image that exists via Photoshop only. Well folks, in lieu of the delightful fall-like weather coming our way, and the fact that we are both retired, we are planning to head back to Uwharrie (Arrowhead) sometime on Monday and will probably stay until Thursday. So-o-o-o, all those who foster those Photoshop thoughts should by all means stop by and say "Hey" to Granny 2 (she will be there)... and certainly don't let something like a job, or work, stop you from doing that.
Now on to the more serious stuff... Dave, we will be taking the laptop along and will log plenty of data for you to play with. This is what I currently have checked....
Let me know if I need to change anything.
Chip, (and anyone else for that matter) tackling a DIY-TBI conversion for the first time is an overwhelming, and confusing, mess. However, there is plenty of support right here on this forum, and I want to stop again right now and thank each and every one of you who held my hand through it. Caver Dave was my main source, but there were others. I am not going to mention names for fear of missing someone... y'all know who you are... THANK YOU!!!
Now that I have done this conversion it all seems pretty simple and straight forward. I certainly brought enough junk (that I did not need) home from the boneyard, and I did a whole heap of unnecessary work while doing it. A second one, which I tentatively plan to do to my little red CJ-5 will not involve all that unnecessary stuff, and I feel very confident that it will be a whole lot easier to to do. It is not all that complicated. I do want to make clear though that I know nothing of the programming stuff and I have (and still do) relied solely on Caver Dave for that part.... and I do appreciate ya brother!

(the real stuff)