Granny 2: The Resurrection

Someday I might confess as to the source of Saturday evening's problem (#268), but presently I am not ready to handle that much embarrassment. Y'all can wonder about that one... and don't worry about letting your imagination run wild!!!.

I can name that tune in 3 notes! :p

The air cleaner is going to be a tight fit beside the power brake booster

What did you end up with? The OE 5.7 fit the Moss pretty well, but we used a FS van w/ 4.3 air cleaner on Taters...
I can name that tune in 3 notes! :p

Well, come on down sir! ♫ ♫ ♫ :lol:

What did you end up with? The OE 5.7 fit the Moss pretty well, but we used a FS van w/ 4.3 air cleaner on Taters...

I used an airbox hat off a 1991 Caddy and put a K&N on it. I'll get some pics up before too much longer. If I don't, Chip will be threatening me again. :lol:
I used an airbox hat off a 1991 Caddy and put a K&N on it

I was at PAP last week pulling another CS144 for the Moss and saw a ton of them (both Caddy's & the hats) which got me thinking... except while I have nothing against K&N, like the simplicity of a $4 paper element (change it every 2 years whether it needs it or not ;) ) and like the e2000, is carried *everywhere* parts are sold
Here are some pics of the finished job. :)

Before anyone says anything about the location of the filter... I already know that sucking outside air is better, but I am going to try this for now. Piping to get to a location where I can get outside air will not be easy. The position it is in gives me the most clearance, and while the filter is pointing toward the firewall, which probably picks upmore heat, it also keeps it out of the area where the fan will sling mud and water on it when in a wet area.


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Looks good to me! While outside air is cooler and better, I'm running a 14" chrome open element filter on mine, and in keeping with the easy replacement theme, the filter fits a 6.2 chevy diesel, its 14" od and 4" tall.
Hmmm... my cowl drain used to clog almost instantly... until I gave it a circumcision! Still... if thinking that route, might find a way into the cab. Heck, look at some snorkel designs and give it some really fresh air!
I am still alive & kicking. I'm now waiting on some nice (near perfect) days so I can shoot some paint. If anyone has been following the "Fuel Injection" thread in General Tech you already know Granny2 is up and running on the TBI. My good friend JC donated me a used laptop to use for tuning the TBI. I had to buy a new battery, but it was still a bargain for me. Thanks JC! :beer:(root beer) The battery is supposed to come on, or about, 5/26 so the TBI tuning is on hold until after then. Once the painting is done... :bounce:.

Sorry this thread is getting redundant, but I'm sort of in a rut again. More as I get it done. :)
Good day today!!!... no rain & very little wind. I got the the interior of the tub painted... finally. :bounce2:

The paint color is distorted in the photos... #1 is about the closest.


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Sorry Rodney... it's darker than John Deere green, and "Shirley" I am NOT painting the wheels yellow. :lol:

Appreciate the compliment, Jason. I got a couple bug marks, but it's dry now and looks pretty good. :)
Don't get too anxious about that back seat... I'm on hold again too. My mother (age 92) fell on Memorial Day and broke her hip. She went into surgery that evening and they replaced the ball. She is presently in the hospital and will have to go into rehab when she is released. Needless to say, I don't have much spare time right now.
Don't get too anxious about that back seat... I'm on hold again too. My mother (age 92) fell on Memorial Day and broke her hip. She went into surgery that evening and they replaced the ball. She is presently in the hospital and will have to go into rehab when she is released. Needless to say, I don't have much spare time right now.

Don sorry to hear that hope she pulls threw ok..
Thanks guys... not wanting to turn the build thread to another discussion I posted the info about Mom in the General Chit Chat section.
I managed to get the roll cage painted this afternoon. If/when I can manage to get the body painted this project just might pick up some speed again. Wish me luck. :)
Well, after a bumpy couple weeks I am back at it again. Yesterday and today, I have been battling the wind, but have managed to get the old girl about 95% masked, and ready for paint. All the weather sources seem to agree that tomorrow should bring only a calm breeze with very little chance of rain. All of you who practice Voo-Doo, witchcraft, planet alignment, etc. please do your thing for me. By tomorrow evening I hope to have a nice green Granny2 sitting in that carport... with (I hope) a minimal number of paint runs. Wish me luck guys! :)


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A man could not ask for a better father's day than what I had today. Yesterday evening I asked my youngest son to stop by this afternoon and be my extra set of eyes while I painted Granny2. Well, not only did he stop by, he asked if he could paint it for me. He had worked in a body shop some while he was in high school, and also for a while after he graduated, but I had no idea of his painting ability. I'm proud (and happy) to say this paint job has zero runs, and it looks exceptionally nice for a "carport job" in spite of a few marks engraved by crawly critters. The only detractions are a few marks left by my lack of proper final sanding which for the most part was intentional. I did not want something so nice I would be terrified of getting a scratch on it. I'm going to let her set all this week to allow the paint to cure, then she's going back together. I hope to make a maiden "shakedown" voyage to URE sometime in July, then, hopefully, off to Harlan in August. :)


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