Granny 2: The Resurrection

That's looking good man! Which weekend in August are you planning on Harlan? I think we'll be going up there the first weekend, I think August 2-5. We'll be in URE the weekend before July 4 since it's on a Wednesday this year.
Thanks guys... I believe the CTB Harlan ride is the August 11th weekend. I want to go if everything checks out OK. However, I also still have to log some data and get my fuel injection tuned. I guess that will depend upon my "chip-burning connections"... y'all know who you are. ;)

"Young" Don was never quite that big... always had to stand on my tip-toes to see over things... still do! That's why I'm so fond of Dylan and YHDG! :lol:
Looks GREAT Don! What a great Father's Day gift, too!
I guess I'm bragging, but I'm just pretty darn proud of both my boys... or I guess I should say men. :)

Caver, you still gonna burn my chip? (hint, hint)
I'll need some help with that decision! :lol:

Find you a OE spare chip, take the chip from the carrier... without mangling/bending the pins or breaking the carrier (don't do this in front of friends or family, because bad words WILL come!) *THAT* will be your answer! :D

I took the easy route... 30-45mins to desolder the OE base, prep a $10 ZIF (Zero insertion force) socket, & solder it in. Now, swapping the chip takes longer to get the ECM cover off than anything else. Easy in/easy out (literally 5 seconds), the chips are stupid cheap ($0.75ea) and are large enough for multiple tunes if you want to go that route (takes longer to prep the ZIF & build the rotary switch, but we ain't exactly "racing" or "hyper-miling", so I skipped that part ;) )
I may very well look at doing a socket swap. I picked up some experience doing that when working for IBM about 20+ years ago. It's not that hard to do. However, the first order-of-business is getting her all put back together and ready to drive... with a real seat to sit on instead of a stool. :)
I may very well look at doing a socket swap. I picked up some experience doing that when working for IBM about 20+ years ago. It's not that hard to do.

Keep in mind, these are "DIP" chips *inside* a plastic carrier... After 20+ years of PC/Server hardware, I have yet to see such a carrier used in them... DIPs? Sure, just not with the PITA carriers :D
Oh... was not aware of that. I'll dig into it more when it gets closer to time to actually do it. I will most likely be calling on you for assistance. :)
The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter! I've got the cage and all the heavy stuff bolted on now, and the seats are in. Next comes the top hardware, installing the radio/media player and speakers, and just putting a whole lot of little stuff back where it's supposed to go. I will still have to get an exhaust system installed, and I'm sure I will need at least one more leaf in the rear springs. Anyway, I'm feeling some relief now. I don't think I want another project again anytime soon. :)


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Don, it's looking great! I know you probably don't want to be cutting on the body at this point... but is that a TJ rock slider? Looks like one and, if so, the stock TJ fender flares give a little more room and give a YJ a bit of an updated look.

In any case - great progress, nice way to spend Father's Day, and can see you gettin' out on the trails real soon!

EDIT: As I look closer, looks more and more like a YJ slider, so cleaning up your thread a bit!


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I thought I would drop a short update. This project is almost finished! I have been busy installing the accessories, plus a few other items. I got the sound system installed, CB installed, winch hooked up, air lines plumbed, etc. I also added two leaves to the rear springs... she's sitting pretty nice now. I still have not got an exhaust system, but that is going to be taken care of next week... one way or the other. I will than be ready to log data for the TBI, and Caver Dave, I will be needing your assistance prety soon. :)

No pics this time, but my next post will be to introduce Granny2... complete with photos! :lol:
After 13 months, this build thread has finally come to an end. There is still some TBI tuning & programming to be done, but other than that this project is finished. The photo is not the best. I took at least a dozen pics from different angles, but could not get away from the glare. This is the best one.


I expect she will make her first local appearance at CTB's Fun Caravan in September. Over Labor Day weekend she will be up in Virginia attending a Military Vehicle Rally. Sitting proudly among a mixture of deuces, 5-tons and who knows what else, she should stand out well among the crowd. :)
Good looking build Don! Never doubted the outcome.
Bring her down to the beach the following weekend for Beach Bash - she'll look good on the sand!

Incredible amount of work, time, and skill put into the build Don. Nice job!
Wow, Jeep looks super clean Don! You put a lot of heart and soul into it , and it shows!

Thanks Jason! :redface:

Looks great Don! Now the question is, how skeered ya gonna be to take her on the fun stuff?

Quoting a statement made by a good friend a while back while looking over the Lion's Den at Harlan: "I'm not ready for any body damage just yet."

Good looking build Don! Never doubted the outcome.

Don as always every thing you do is first class, now I hope we can spend so trail time together.

Thanks Guys! :redface:

Bring her down to the beach the following weekend for Beach Bash - she'll look good on the sand!

Incredible amount of work, time, and skill put into the build Don. Nice job!

Thanks Ralph! :redface: I'm not much of a beach person, but I do hope to see you at the Fall Bash! :)

Beautiful Job, Don! I like the Chrome wheels, too! No more JD yellow jokes!:D

Thanks Rodney! :redface: ...and thank God for small favors! :shaking: