Housing market trash

So everyone riding by can see that they have a big ass nice house.
The difference between the people that want a house to say, "look what I have" vs those that want to be off in the woods and say, "You don't know what I have."


Matt's got both.
Way back in the woods and a bad ass curb appeal place.

I just got land and a shack in process...
Been watching this thread just to gauge the mindset of my fellow humans.
And i have not been disappointed.

I live in a double wide trailer
with a woman i'm not married to
Got 3 broke down traps in the yard
A Pit Bull terrier and a REALLY bad attitude.
A country song by Toby Keith would sum up my life.

Now, i'm on 6 1/2 acres and debt free.
Happy does not even start to describe me.

Got a woman who loves me, 2 daughters who rule my world since i got divorced.
Life is good...

My crib is worth 500% more than i paid for it and insured for this amount.

Go chase rainbows and owe money.
I choose not to.
'Dre out...

Matt's got both.
Way back in the woods and a bad ass curb appeal place.
Yeah but his neighbor is way too close
The difference between the people that want a house to say, "look what I have" vs those that want to be off in the woods and say, "You don't know what I have."
My wife always called the lights that people shine on there houses "look at me" lights. Along the same lines as above.
Gonna need a hell of a lot more than 10 acres, unless your 10 acres is only 100ft wide.
I was wondering too. My parents have over 100 acers and we could barely stretch 350 yards out of it.
I guess I wasn’t really thinking a square property…most of what I’ve been seeing is Nevada/Oklahoma/slice of pizza shaped.
Slice of pizza is about you only option if you want any space around the house w/ 10 acres.
Math says for a right triangle shaped lot, if you stand at the curb and shoot perfectly into the very pinpoint of the end, to get 3,000 ft you still have only ~300 ft of curb space.

You need more acreage.
The difference between the people that want a house to say, "look what I have" vs those that want to be off in the woods and say, "You don't know what I have."
What about the guy who goes out and buys the newest model top of the line $100,000 pickup? What does that say?
What about the guy who goes out and buys the newest model top of the line $100,000 pickup? What does that say?
Just like the house, it depends on the context of how its used and where it's put.
What about the guy who goes out and buys the newest model top of the line $100,000 pickup? What does that say?

$100,000< That's a 3/4 ton with roll up windows these days, isn't it?
What am I missing here? I was thinking $3mil range…they hoping someone buys and subdivides at $40k/acre???

What am I missing here? I was thinking $3mil range…they hoping someone buys and subdivides at $40k/acre???

That is WAY overpriced.
What am I missing here? I was thinking $3mil range…they hoping someone buys and subdivides at $40k/acre???

Even 3mil seems high unless that wedding venue is making serious bank.