I need work boots...BAD


Asshole at large
Mar 17, 2005
Central PA
After the '02 incident of the axle falling on my toe (which I very well should have lost the nail if not the whole toe), this past weekend, I wasn't thinking about Newton's third law, and managed to send an engine hoist leg smashing into that same toe, which is now swollen (but not broken), but I may lose the nail this time.

Anyway, I need some fawkin work boots... At least reinforced toe if not steel toe. Not looking to spend alot though, since they're gonna get trashed.

Leather preferrable to nylon or other material like that because of welding.

Anyone found a reasonably priced pair, maybe in one of those "I never would have thought to look there" stores?

They carry the cheapo "Brahma" line and some vastly cheapened (to compete in the WallyWorld arena?) Herman Survivors with/without steel toes...
FWIW, I would get real steel tow boots. Once I started wearing them I was surprised just how often I used them. It's pretty rare that I drop something on my foot but it does happen from time to time so I'm thankful they are safe.

However, it's really common that I used them as a tool. Sometimes I hold something down with my boot so that I can grind it knowing full well that the grinder may (and does) stray and hit the boot. Sometimes I intentionally drop heavy things on my foot from a few inches above because I want it to have a soft landing. For example, on a habitat for humanity site when you lift the prebuilt walls and move them around you don't want to just drop them and you can't really get your fingers out without dropping it. The ideal solution is to just put the wall on your boot and pull it out later.

I do it with full sheets of plywood too. It's nice to put it down on your foot and then pull your foot out so that the plywood gets that soft landing. Once your feet are protected you'll find they are useful tools.

I bought boots for $50 (diehard I think) at Sears about 7 years ago. They look used but they are far from worn out. Still, I'd like to replace them with something more comfortable, like Red Wings. When I bought them I didn't know how often I'd use them so I went the discount route. Now I think of boots costing about $10 a year (for a weekend warrior like me) so I might as well get sweet 12 year red wings.
I bought a pair of sketchers work boots (steel toe) from payless/pick-n-pay about 6 months ago, only because they seemed to weight 1/3 of what the brahma boots at the Wally-World weigh... gave about $50 for them, and got a second pair half off :lol: They favor the look of a hiking boot, and are really comfortable.
x2 on the sketchers work boots. i have a job where i have to wear them everyday, VERY comfortable. i would almost wear them over my running shoes
I have a pair of the wal mart variety that I almost wont put on my feet.

They are the most God Awful uncomfortable POS ever made.

I bought a pair of Worx by RedWing for $48 and love them.
I also agree with the use of teh toe as a tool,
Search "redback" I bought mine off the Matco truck a few years ago. I wear them daily and have for a few years now. They are very comfortable, oil resistant soil, and not to bad in the style department either. I've seen the myth buster guys wear them frequently. I've had lots of other big money boots (redwing,etc...) I will be buying another pair of these if they ever wear out.
I have some that came from wal-mart, I can wear them about 2 hrs before my feet hurt like hell.
I like my Red Wings for just that reason, yes they cost, but I've had mine for 6+ years. And they are still comfortable. Cheap boots hurt my feet.
agreed with the toe as a tool deal...

Ive only had one pair of steel toe boots, and they are actually SHOES.

They come from a place called Shoes for Crews, mostly for working in fast food, or reastraunts where theres stuff on the floor and slipping would be a bad idea. I used the steen toe more then I can remember, although I never did drop anything directly on it..
I have some old steel toe military issue boots that I use when I go out on the trails, if I'm not wearing my sandals. Insoles make them real comfy. What size you wear I may have some extra ones around the house if you want them?
Anyone found a reasonably priced pair, maybe in one of those "I never would have thought to look there" stores?

only boots I've worn for the last 3-4 years...

brand is Carolina Work Tough...full leather...steel toes...

only place I've found 'em is Shoe Carnival...every time I've gone, it's Buy One pair, Get One 50% off...they list for ~$50/pair, so it's been $75 each trip for two pair (always bought one pair black, one pair brown)...

I do Fire and Water restoration and I am constantly up and down, dropping stuff, stepping on nails etc... I used to buy nice "name brand" boots, but these I bought about 2 months ago at Wally world have held up real nice... Herman Survivors. They are oil resistant and steel toe too. $40ish ... but that could be cause I wear a size 14.
Georgia boots, the 8" Logger boot. Full leather steel toe. Sould be about $85 and you can find them in online stores pretty easily.

Most work boots have flat bottoms, little heal, and poor outdoor tread. If you want to workout side, in the woods, side hilling, then a logger boot style is great. The high heal digs well into the ground to give good footing.
I'm out on concrete walking all the time and got'ta have steel toe boots. I like the high top Rocky Alpha Force's the best.
How about magnum boots. Same ones issued for duty boots to firefighters and such. Lightweight and have the composite toe instead of steel. I've seen them as cheap as 65 a pair
Currently I'm wearing Georgia Boots, second pair I've bought. Comfy, bought 'em at Tractor Supply.

I tend to wear the soles and toe leather out, so I go thru a pair a year.

I've had Redwings, the soles fell apart, were rebuilt by redwing, and they fell apart again, all inside of 3 months, so much for $150 boots.

I've had Carolina's they were probably the most comfortable I've had, but I can't seem to find that same style again ( or Carolina's for that matter)

Wolverine DURA SHOCKS were another good comfy pair, haven't found another pair I liked the look of.

Had a pair of Justins, the factory insole sucked ! padding wore out quickly. I left them in the closet, the pointy toe was a pain, too long, would trip on them occasionally.

Wal-Mart boots, ya get what ya pay for.

after the steel toe, look for slip resistant soles, you'll enjoy not slipping all over the place in an oily wet environment.
I've had Caterpillar boots ($100) for around 4 years, put some gel insoles in after 2, and good to go. I wear them a lot

I've heard nothing but good things about the DuraShocks by Wolverine.

I've heard both sides of the Wal-Mart boots, I guess it just depends on your feet. For $35 it's worth a shot.
i love my red wing fiberglass toe leather work boots.... almost 200 but damn comfy and they look good enough to wear to the bar/club if i'm feeling that lazy...
Love my Redwings. I wear them as my winter boot due to the insulation and waterproof leather. It takes about 12 hours on concrete for my feet to start complaining when wearing the 'wings. Need a re-sole now but thats not bad after 8 years.