Is this for real, URE race?

board is 18+ to my knowledge. Sorry didn't really people could say anything on here but Fawk . It also helps that you copied it and put it in your own post doubling the chance of it being seen (*hands you cookie)

Nope.......... look for the underage users on here. (Need sponsors, but some people have auto password fill) It's ok, I really don't care, but let's chill with the ranting and raving and give the man a chance to make this happen. It will be pretty cool if people give it a chance and use there heads besides something to put a greasy hat on.

"Common Sense" will prevail in alot of the comments and concerns that are coming up.
Originally Posted by R Q
For you guys going to the meeting tomorrow; If insurance for the event is not inplace yet, then make no plans until it is written in stone.
If the dude can't show a policy then there is no reason to proceed.

I agree with you, BUT, I dont ask to see a resturants insurance policy before I eat there, or any other policy for that matter(except in some sub-contracting work) I never ask to see a policy for any business I buy from.
While Im on this subject....Most of the inside business affairs of this event/company will never be know to this, or any other forum. I am not trying to be an ass, but some of these questions are/could be a private matter to be known only to the owners/promoter. I am quite possitive that those details
are to be worked out amongst ins. company/UNF/American Wheeler. As probably will the money/profit/investment part of the deal. Meaning: if I go to a nascar race at Charlotte, I dont get to talk with Humpy about the ins/profit/risk/investments.
I simply buy my ticket and have some fun. Same should apply here.imo

For those of us going to the meeting, we should all know.....
The meetings intent is to Focus on a few questions and topics. Especially vehicle classes. We will be asking and going over questions from this forum, but only those topics that we as a forum could lend some help and ideas to. Yes, we will try to learn as much as we can, and gather as much info as we can. No..we wont demand answers to questions that are none of our buisness. Hopefully, after the meeting, we will be able to post this in the 'upcoming events section', and those of us attending the meeting will all be able to post up about what we have learned. Once that happens, you all will decide to jump on or not. And if its ''all good'' then we all take part, in one form or another, and help make this an event to be proud of