Jeep Masher

We have lots of video, little pic's. When I get the video edited I can pull pic's out. Had some fuel problems(new engine, new fuel system). The rig did great other than that.. until he stood on it hard and broke the stock front shafts. This was no suprise. No knuckles broke because the steering was designed and used correctly. No housings broke because I know better than to weld to the middle of a casting. Not much 2WD showboating...yet. We did slickrock, schoolbus,lower 2,upper 2,peckerwood, and 11. If you mall crawlers what to shut-up and put-up some of us are going to Grayrock first weekend in June.
52's said:
The longfeild 300m cv axles are pretty much unbreakable according to bobby long.if you check out the specs there about 10 times stronger than a rockwell,Its only as good as you build it,
I think this statement is why you're getting shit. I'd love to go to Greyrock
I think this statement is why you're getting shit. I'd love to go to Greyrock


There is no reason to have this attitude. I have a decent built rig, but not sure if I would want to wheel with you. You may very well be a decent stand up guy, but why bash others that you don't know?
just my .02
travis DIE:flipoff2: :beer: , i meant going to Windrock was easy and close. Then do Atomic Ridge in the rain and then the Rail Trail
00bowtie said:
We have lots of video, little pic's. When I get the video edited I can pull pic's out.

Screw pulling the pics out. Post up the videos, I wanna see that thing in action.
I think the main reason for this attitude is the fact that as soon as he got on here everyone started nitpicking his axle choice and such. I would say if he wanted everyones opinion on what he should run, he would have asked ahead of time.

He simply posted this up to show his rig HE and 00BOWTIE built. And it is well built and alot of thought went into it. If the axles don't hold, i'm absolutely positive he will go back to the drawing board as a rig is never complete.

Have a nice day! Josh
When you post up your D30 / D35 on 39''re going to get told it's a bad idea....and guess what....apparently it was. Why should this matter? I like trail riding, I break stuff just like everyone else. But when I'm at Tellico or somewhere on a busy weekend and someone's over-tired/under axled rig is clogging up lower2/gaurd rail/schoolbus..etc... or someother trail with no go around, it sux. Ruins everyones trail ride because they were sure their D44 would stand having 44's on it. So when you post up pics of stuff like that I'll ask questions, not to hate on someones rig, but to make them aware. Don't get me wrong myself and the guys I ride with are usually the first to get out and offer tools/help etc.. but don't think when the trail is clear we aren't asking each other WTF was that guy thinking? I'm sure this rig is badass, big motor, big tires, etc... I like my buggy , but I'm sure there are some areas this thing would make mine look stupid. But 52's on a 60 is a bad idea.. sell your 60's for big coin and buy a set of rockwells that you don't have to worry about.
I have not had the experience of 52's on a D60. For that fact, have not seen any 52's in a group I have wheeled with at all. But I have seen many 44's on 60's fail. Even the high dollar dynatrak versions.
As far as picking on his rig,....
On this board you have folks from all walks of life and experence levels, as well as degree's of seat time on the tough trails. I think they were just trying to point out the inevitable. True enough, that is an awesome rig. I am sure there was a butt load of funds dropped into it. Not to mention, blood, sweat and gears!
People raise eyebrows at me and my rig when they hear and see all I carry. But the reason I do carry so much is just like what Bigwoody said, someone is broke and you need them moved to get up yourself. So most anything I can fix.(notice I said most!)
The 52's are not a great choice of tires. Big yes, but with that comes weight. and they just do not flex very well. IF they put out a swamper in that size, it would be a much better choice.
a few pics of it at tellico


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jrraw23 said:
I know what you talkin bout, back when I used to wheel my Z71 I took 80% of uwharrie in 2WD :shaking: but its still fun :driver:
when it is dry 2wd most of the way sure, but %80 of URE is dirt roads
Gawd that's big!
ok chip u say that u havent seen any 52s on the trail then u turn around and say they dont flex good.. so how do u know that .. infact if u really knew about them u would know they have 1 ply sidewalls and he ran 10 pounds in them all week long. now i run 44 bogers and at 10 pounds mine are still as a brick i run 2 pounds in mine i do agree i would rather have a 52 bogger but why throw that out when they dont exist. at 2 pounds in those 52s they were flat
I say they don't flex well from what I have seen in pictures and read. Looking at the pics above, I see little flex. Wasn't thinking of boggers, I have them and no they don't flex well at all. I was thinking a swamper TSL or even an IROK. I have seen the 49 IROK's and they did a great job. What I don't like about them is the width. That is one thing I do like about the 52's on this rig is the width.
the 49 iroks would be my choice to but those 52s will flex if u drop the pressure i think they are a little skinny also but they are not as skinny as they look it appears that way cause they are so tall
I think it looks good.........its tall for me but its not mine. I think if its what you want and it does what you want it to do, then up some more pics.......:huggy:
buggybuilder said:
I think it looks good.........its tall for me but its not mine. I think if its what you want and it does what you want it to do, then up some more pics.......:huggy:

I agree!
Too tall for me, I am an old man and would need a lift to get in!