I'll get your plates on my time. My actual paying students that desire to learn and Improve are far higher priority than you.
You arrogance is what makes me furious.
You have no desire to better yourself, or create anything better, educate yourself any higher, yet you create and rationalize excuses for everything.
For all my reasons above is why I can't stand you.
For the specific reason I am a part time welding instructor, I want to help others. That includes you, my students, or anyone who wants to learn, for the betterment of themselves, and/or their family.
If you don't want to learn, don't desire to improve, then I'm not going to waste any more of my time or energy attempting to help you.
If you continue with your attitude, you will not amount to shit, and your situations in life will never improve. You have to want it, and work for it.
Stop creating excuses and rationalizing them as real reasons why you can't achieve things, only to take pride in doing half assed shit.
Rant over.