Kid cell phone options…

So what I gather so far…

Verizon, T mobile, US Cellular and ATT are the big 4. They support the secondary services but prioritize their own users and deprioritize others if the network is overly busy, as in big cities or events.

So, if none of that really matters to me, depending on which carrier has service in my area, I’m pretty safe getting consumer cellular or similar and saving a ton of $.

Sounds like it’s safe to say I’ll be visiting some other services here soon and saving a ton of $. 😎

Oh, and any know issues using my current phone and phone number if I go with a different service? Currently have iPhone on Verizon.
Yep. But you can find mvno in your network of choice with priority data but it’s often a couple bucks more than the cheap mvno

if you own the phone it should be unlocked and likely fine on any carrier. Sometimes they will lock them for the first 3 months even if you buy outright.
all the carriers have a page that can check the imie to make sure its unlocked for their network
Not saying you don't know this, but a ton of people don't understand this.

In terms of coverage, there are only 3 that you can choose from - Verizon, AT&T, T Mobile - everybody else (well really 4, US Cellular has its own also but they aren't nationwide)
Everybody else is an MVNO, they buy from one of the other 3.

The real question to look at when choosing is how is there data prioritized on the network. Most of the MVNO's data priority is the lowest you get, what that means is that when its a congested network, your service will be the worst of anybody. That happens pretty rare though, unless you are in a big city, in a big event space, etc.

this is a great resource to check to see how each MVNO gets prioritized data. Pick what main provider you want, then price shop the MVNO's on that network that have better prioritized data (if that is something you care about). If not, buy the cheapest one you can find on that service provider as they will all preform the same. Spectrum from what I read lost prioritized data about a year ago or so. I look this stuff up fairly often since I switch carriers for prioritized data. I'm not a fan of spectrum since they require you to have their internet, so they lock you so they can screw you somewhere else.

I knew they used other service's coverage, but I know sometimes it gets grey. I have a Verizon work phone and a straight talk personal phone. We made a trip to Harlan last year and at the campground my personal phone would not work. It would give me a "you are denied access to this service" message every time I tried to make a call. That is unexceptable to me. I have been looking at other services since.

We, too are looking to give my oldest (15) a phone and thats what led us to spectrum. After talking to several people who are happy with it I'm pretty sure thats the way we'll go. We already have a land line, cable tv and internet from them so they will do us right.
Oh, and any know issues using my current phone and phone number if I go with a different service? Currently have iPhone on Verizon.
Which iphone model?
I know with the Android phones it's common for there to be submodel variants that have slightly different radios that can only use specific frequency bands. Sometimes those bands are specific to 1 carrier and sometimes they overlap. Samsung is notorious for this; the safest best is always buying their variant that comes carrier unlocked (model usually ends in X or U ) because it comes with the most universal band set.

That's a lot of rambling to say you should use a site like this:
I looked at Circle, and on the site it talks alot about being on a network. I am assuming this works without being on the home WIFI?
Yes you set it up on your home network but it also works when off network
FWIW, we have 3 unlimited lines on Cricket for $90/mo and have been quite happy with the service. They have one of the best international calling policies for an MVNO and high call quality. Wholly owned by ATT last time I checked and of course runs on their network.
Which iphone model?
I know with the Android phones it's common for there to be submodel variants that have slightly different radios that can only use specific frequency bands. Sometimes those bands are specific to 1 carrier and sometimes they overlap. Samsung is notorious for this; the safest best is always buying their variant that comes carrier unlocked (model usually ends in X or U ) because it comes with the most universal band set.

That's a lot of rambling to say you should use a site like this:

Wife has iPhone 12 or 13 and I have the XR. We’ve both had them for about 3 years and they seem to work great at the moment. I see no need to change phones unless I have to.
Has anyone looked at the watches for an option for kids? Whether it be an Apple Watch or one of the others?

My niece has one (not sure the brand) that she can call or text a select few numbers from, and her parents can track her location. She is only 8, but they travel fulltime. It seems convenient for what they are looking for, and her not loosing it as easily. But Im guessing that the older kids will want more capability.

I was recently thinking about this, as my oldest is turning 11, and while he has never asked for a phone, he is starting to go on camping trips and others without us, and being able to talk might have value. He has a tablet, so internet connectivity isnt really a need. Also thinking a watch might get lost less than a phone.
Wife has iPhone 12 or 13 and I have the XR. We’ve both had them for about 3 years and they seem to work great at the moment. I see no need to change phones unless I have to.

You should be fine then, they should be able to move to any carrier.
FWIW, we have 3 unlimited lines on Cricket for $90/mo and have been quite happy with the service. They have one of the best international calling policies for an MVNO and high call quality. Wholly owned by ATT last time I checked and of course runs on their network.
This is a very funny thing I didn't touch on. Many of the MVNO's are actually owned by the major carriers.
Visible is owned by Verizon
Straight talk is owned by Verizon (but can also use ATT if you pick that option).
Mint just got bought by Tmobile.
Wife has iPhone 12 or 13 and I have the XR. We’ve both had them for about 3 years and they seem to work great at the moment. I see no need to change phones unless I have to.
Check that site and it will tell you what carriers you can use them on.
We already have a land line, cable tv and internet from them so they will do us right.
They're probably already fucking you over. We went from Spectrum to ATT, got faster service and went from $100/mo to $55, plus about $300 in prepaid cards and incentives.
They're probably already fucking you over. We went from Spectrum to ATT, got faster service and went from $100/mo to $55, plus about $300 in prepaid cards and incentives.

Wasn't there an AT&T rep on the forum??? Spectrum seems to be increasing every 6 months the last couple of years. I could use a hard reset, and all I have from them is internet.
When 2nd tier carriers use a top tier carriers service it doesn't always include roaming, so a verizon phone that has service in Harlan may be on a local carrier and not look any different, but a 2nd tier phone may be denied.
I don't do sales, only operations, but I will say T-mobile has grown tremendously in the last few years, has super fast 5g (600-750MBs tested today in the school gym), and you can save a lot with Metro pcs or mint mobile.
It all boils down to what works where you need it.
Wasn't there an AT&T rep on the forum??? Spectrum seems to be increasing every 6 months the last couple of years. I could use a hard reset, and all I have from them is internet.
I canceled my spectrum and had the wife put it in her name. Went from 89$ to 29$ and got a higher speed. I know it will go back up but I don’t have much choice. “Lumos” I think it is, which is who bought out north state. Keeps sending me flyers about their fiber for 100$. Think they would atleast come in at a competing rate
Wasn't there an AT&T rep on the forum??? Spectrum seems to be increasing every 6 months the last couple of years. I could use a hard reset, and all I have from them is internet.

@obullfish maybe? They ran fiber straight to our data closet. Zero outages since switching. BoA has a deal right now for $50 cash back if you pay for new ATT service with their card, plus ATT usually has a gift card deal or something. They provide their own modem with firewall and wifi, but it's easy to disable/bypass all of that and use your own.
@obullfish maybe? They ran fiber straight to our data closet. Zero outages since switching. BoA has a deal right now for $50 cash back if you pay for new ATT service with their card, plus ATT usually has a gift card deal or something. They provide their own modem with firewall and wifi, but it's easy to disable/bypass all of that and use your own.

I have had a few outages over the years with ATT fiber. I have had it for ~5-6 years now (first about 1.5 years of covid it was the worst, it would go out for 5 mins to 1 hour about once a month). Most of the time its probably all the construction around me, but when its down their CS blows. For a bill credit you have to call back when it is back online, google fiber will credit you automatically. Their modem still doesn't really do passthrough for your own router, its kind of a hack.

I wouldn't trade it for spectrum though. I'm locked in at $70 bucks a month for gigabit for life (or till they figure out a way out of that charge)
They're probably already fucking you over. We went from Spectrum to ATT, got faster service and went from $100/mo to $55, plus about $300 in prepaid cards and incentives.
At this point in life I will gladly bend over for Spectrum because its either that or dish. And dish internet is absolutely unacceptable, already went down that road. I fought for years to get Spectrum and I'm a customer for life. They tend to raise the rates every 2 years and I just call in and bitch until they offer me some other deal. It eats up 45 minutes of my life every 2 years but it will cut my rate considerably.
They're probably already fucking you over. We went from Spectrum to ATT, got faster service and went from $100/mo to $55, plus about $300 in prepaid cards and incentives.

This county sucks for available broadband services. Hopefully one of them will actually use the BEAD money to do something this time around.
@obullfish maybe? They ran fiber straight to our data closet. Zero outages since switching. BoA has a deal right now for $50 cash back if you pay for new ATT service with their card, plus ATT usually has a gift card deal or something. They provide their own modem with firewall and wifi, but it's easy to disable/bypass all of that and use your own.
Not anymore, told them to eat a dick about a year ago now.
Mint mobile. Costs me $360/year for two phones on the 5gb plan. We never get close to 5gb.
Cool story. But he has soon to be teen girls. 5gb is before lunch.
Trust me.

My two college kids average about 250gb each /month
Cool story. But he has soon to be teen girls. 5gb is before lunch.
Trust me.

My two college kids average about 250gb each /month

I know that’s factual…but it still boggles my mind. Most of my job is done via phone, whether text/phone/email…and I’ll surf NC4X4 and Book of Faces when I’m home. I wanna say I’m somewhere between 4-6gb every month. And I feel like I’m on the phone all the damn time. I couldn’t imagine a 20x multiplier on that.
Cool story. But he has soon to be teen girls. 5gb is before lunch.
Trust me.

My two college kids average about 250gb each /month

Well if they use more than 5gb that means they have been on the phone way too much, that or they need to connect to Wifi....

There is no reason a 13 year old has ANY reason to use 5gb in a week, much less a day...
Well if they use more than 5gb that means they have been on the phone way too much, that or they need to connect to Wifi....

There is no reason a 13 year old has ANY reason to use 5gb in a week, much less a day...
I understand. And feel the same way. Buuuut. We are old. Our parents didn’t think we need dumb computers just buy a typewriter ….
Technology advances and our kids will lead the way
I know that’s factual…but it still boggles my mind. Most of my job is done via phone, whether text/phone/email…and I’ll surf NC4X4 and Book of Faces when I’m home. I wanna say I’m somewhere between 4-6gb every month. And I feel like I’m on the phone all the damn time. I couldn’t imagine a 20x multiplier on that.
Well every Snapchat includes a photo. I’d guesstimate my kids send 1,000+ snapchats each a day
I understand. And feel the same way. Buuuut. We are old. Our parents didn’t think we need dumb computers just buy a typewriter ….
Technology advances and our kids will lead the way
Well every Snapchat includes a photo. I’d guesstimate my kids send 1,000+ snapchats each a day

I don't think 1,000 Snapchat's a day is going to get them to the point of 'leading the way'.

I can't wait till my kids are teenagers when I have to eat these words.
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