Lawn and Landscape

I don't really want it to be obvious that I'm planting something. I'm still trying to decide if I should just call the county because the setback is either 15ft or 25ft depending on interpretation, but I really don't want to be that neighbor, since I hate the county rules too. Even if it's back 15ft, I would still be able to see/hear it, so a barrier would be more useful than him getting a zoning exception and thinking its ok. Since the building is already built, I doubt they will make him tear it down.

I believe I'd go fishing. Catch a mess of bream. Clean them and set the gut bucket right over there by the line for a few days until you can haul it off.

Or you could just be the better man . Kill him. Bury him and burn his house down. You know small reasonable measures.
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So would this work on centipede too? I've got fescue, neighbors have centipede, other one, has clover, one has bermuda and a bunch of whatever else stays green. Feels like a losing battle but I don't want to round up half the back yard to get rid of the warm grasses.

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2-4d is a no-no on centipede, it will kill it

Triclopyr is a no-no on Bermuda grass

you should always use a broadleaf hebicide that has both in them when your spraying your yard, very safe on fescue and will kill the clover also
2-4d is a no-no on centipede, it will kill it

Triclopyr is a no-no on Bermuda grass

you should always use a broadleaf hebicide that has both in them when your spraying your yard, very safe on fescue and will kill the clover also
Perfect I don't want the bermuda or centipede! I like my fescue.

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I'm thinking our new spreader is a piece of shit.

I mean it just snowed there a few days ago, give it a few weeks

No, everything is striped. Most of the seed that Cyd out down last year ended up in 2' wide strips 10ft apart. The preemergent from a couple of weeks ago has resulted in dark green and sickly yellow stripes alternating 10ft apart.

Fucking sucks.
No, everything is striped. Most of the seed that Cyd out down last year ended up in 2' wide strips 10ft apart. The preemergent from a couple of weeks ago has resulted in dark green and sickly yellow stripes alternating 10ft apart.

Fucking sucks.

What product/pre-emerge did you use?
Lesco product from site one, I'll have to dig out the spec sheet...

A Scott's one from Lowe's or HD... The edge guard is def broken and maybe it just sucks in general...
Lesco product from site one, I'll have to dig out the spec sheet...

A Scott's one from Lowe's or HD... The edge guard is def broken and maybe it just sucks in general...

Those Scott’s spreaders suck, I always recommend spending a little more on a spreader, Earthway makes a good homeowner spreader for about $100
Lesco product from site one, I'll have to dig out the spec sheet...

A Scott's one from Lowe's or HD... The edge guard is def broken and maybe it just sucks in general...
Edge guards suck. They just stop fert from going to a side. Wanna know where it goes? Straight down! Consumer products are horrible. Upgrade to a better spreader like Guffey says.
Ok guys, what's this bush and why is it dying?

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Another newb question. Should I be aerating in the spring and fall or just fall.

Also any recommendation on an aerator.
Ok guys, what's this bush and why is it dying?

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That's a boxwood and it is dying from either boxwood blight or a combination of many possible issues. Just remove it and put something different in. Another boxwood will die in that spot also. Try a Dwarf Yaupon Holly. Be sure to water it when you plant it and regularly over the summer
Another newb question. Should I be aerating in the spring and fall or just fall.

Also any recommendation on an aerator.
Aerate , seed, and fert in the Fall. If you are renting an aerator most will be plug type which is great. If you are buying then you will see spikers(which arent very good), pluggers, and a few other variants. If you're paying someone to do it they'll probably have a plugger but if your ground is hard then an Aerevator is best.
That's a boxwood and it is dying from either boxwood blight or a combination of many possible issues. Just remove it and put something different in. Another boxwood will die in that spot also. Try a Dwarf Yaupon Holly. Be sure to water it when you plant it and regularly over the summer
Dang. Not what I was hoping for. I have 6 of these in front of the house and the others seem ok. Thanks for the help though.

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Aerate , seed, and fert in the Fall. If you are renting an aerator most will be plug type which is great. If you are buying then you will see spikers(which arent very good), pluggers, and a few other variants. If you're paying someone to do it they'll probably have a plugger but if your ground is hard then an Aerevator is best.

Ok thanks for the info.

I've seen some water filled pluggers for sale on Craigslist for around 400 just wasn't sure if there is a certain brand or style to go with.
Aerate , seed, and fert in the Fall. If you are renting an aerator most will be plug type which is great. If you are buying then you will see spikers(which arent very good), pluggers, and a few other variants. If you're paying someone to do it they'll probably have a plugger but if your ground is hard then an Aerevator is best.

Know anyone around Charlotte who still has an aerovator? My ground is near rock like. Dude who used to do mine every September broke his and didn't replace last year. I can tell this year
2nd mowing


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Know anyone around Charlotte who still has an aerovator? My ground is near rock like. Dude who used to do mine every September broke his and didn't replace last year. I can tell this year
I don't, they are very expensive and are self destructive by design. Look around, people still have them
Dang. Not what I was hoping for. I have 6 of these in front of the house and the others seem ok. Thanks for the help though.

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If the others look ok then replace the bad one with a Japanese Compacta Holly. it may look close enough to the others to suit you. Get it out of there though so it doesn't infect the others.
I have been following this thread for quite some time and think I finally need some help. This fall I paid someone to Aerate and over seed the yard, I would say they did marginal at best and I'm concerned now they used garbage seed.

However after they aerated I put down lime and starter fertilizer and kept it watered- grass filled in and was very green/healthy looking in October. Fast forward to this spring. I applied crab grass killer/fertilizer combo in mid-late march and have sprayed two applications of 2-4D. I have what i believe is a weed or other type of grass growing in about ~30% of my lawn. It looks like a grass starting to "seed" but I believe its likely a weed of some type. What should I do about this? See the picture below. Any advice for the coming spring and summer months would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • grass.jpg
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That is Poa Annua and it sucks! If your aerate guy used some horrible seed, that could be where it came from but it's everywhere these days. It germinates about the same time that fescue does so it's almost a losing battle. For people with warm season turf, they can apply pre emergents in Fall and Winter to prevent it but us with fescue can't do that if we are overseeding. There are some products that may help to control it and Poa Trivialis but once you have either of them, you will always have them.
Let's see what @guffey24 says...
That is Poa Annua and it sucks!

After doing some quick google research seems like the only real way to deal with it is to spot treat and then re-seed. Is it worth killing it off at this point and trying to grow some grass or is it too late to salvage for this season should i just live with it until the fall?