Lawn and Landscape


If your front yard is large enough, the shitty spots and tall grass are much less visible. Actually spent the time and money to spread preemergent this year.
I have to say, the reason I like this thread so much and always try to answer whenever I see a question or problem is that I deal with a LOT of ASKHOLES, I.E., friends and neighbors who ask my professional opinion but then do it their way or ask the guy at Home Depot. They ask but then disregard what I tell them with my lifetime of experience and go with a rookie or what they think may be better than what I said.
You guys are appreciative and listen and at least try what myself and a couple of others on here with knowledge are saying.
NC4X4 has a ton of experience in about everything you need with real life answers from people who have been there.

Thank you! Thank you so much. I haven't posted much in this thread but I've been one of the lurkers that has followed your input and it's been spot on! Thanks for all your help.
I have to say, the reason I like this thread so much and always try to answer whenever I see a question or problem is that I deal with a LOT of ASKHOLES, I.E., friends and neighbors who ask my professional opinion but then do it their way or ask the guy at Home Depot. They ask but then disregard what I tell them with my lifetime of experience and go with a rookie or what they think may be better than what I said.
You guys are appreciative and listen and at least try what myself and a couple of others on here with knowledge are saying.
NC4X4 has a ton of experience in about everything you need with real life answers from people who have been there.
Who takes advise from a home improvement store employee!? o_O:lol:
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Is there anything that can be done about the wild violets that come up in everyone's lawn? I tried a couple of different weed killers with no effect. Roundup almost won't kill them. I have tried to keep them out by manually pulling them up but both my neighbors have tons of them and I can't seem to get rid of them.
Is there anything that can be done about the wild violets that come up in everyone's lawn? I tried a couple of different weed killers with no effect. Roundup almost won't kill them. I have tried to keep them out by manually pulling them up but both my neighbors have tons of them and I can't seem to get rid of them.
Wild violets are hard to kill because their leaf surface is waxy and repels liquids easily. 24D is the best control but a few things have to happen.
1. You must spray them when the new tender leaves emerge in spring, about right now.
2. You MUST use a surfactant with your spray or the chemical will not adhere to the leaves and be able to absorb in through them.

So get some 24d/broadleaf weed killer. mix it per directions. also get a wetting agent aka surfactant and add it to the solution and spray violets. make sure the spray doesnt bead off of leaves, it should stick to them like an unwaxed car. Y will no reapply in 7-10 days and maybe once more.
Is there anything that can be done about the wild violets that come up in everyone's lawn? I tried a couple of different weed killers with no effect. Roundup almost won't kill them. I have tried to keep them out by manually pulling them up but both my neighbors have tons of them and I can't seem to get rid of them.

What kind of grass are you growing, that makes a difference on what herbicide I would recommend
Wild violets are hard to kill because their leaf surface is waxy and repels liquids easily. 24D is the best control but a few things have to happen.
1. You must spray them when the new tender leaves emerge in spring, about right now.
2. You MUST use a surfactant with your spray or the chemical will not adhere to the leaves and be able to absorb in through them.

So get some 24d/broadleaf weed killer. mix it per directions. also get a wetting agent aka surfactant and add it to the solution and spray violets. make sure the spray doesnt bead off of leaves, it should stick to them like an unwaxed car. Y will no reapply in 7-10 days and maybe once more.

Very good answer, depending on what kind of grass he is growing , I would like to see some triclopyr in there also

Look up the label for 4-speed xt from Nufarm

If growing centipede, he will not be able to use 2-4d, if he is growing Bermuda grass, he will not be able to use triclopyr
I guess it is mostly fescue with some rouge bermuda thrown in which I would like to get rid of.

If you use a 2-4d product with triclopyr, plus a 80/20 surfactant, it will do a number on the wild violets and any other broadleaf weeds, it will also suppress the Bermuda grass, and if used several years in a row can take the Bermuda grass out, and then add in your fescue fall seeding heavily where the Bermuda grass was
If you use a 2-4d product with triclopyr, plus a 80/20 surfactant, it will do a number on the wild violets and any other broadleaf weeds, it will also suppress the Bermuda grass, and if used several years in a row can take the Bermuda grass out, and then add in your fescue fall seeding heavily where the Bermuda grass was
So would this work on centipede too? I've got fescue, neighbors have centipede, other one, has clover, one has bermuda and a bunch of whatever else stays green. Feels like a losing battle but I don't want to round up half the back yard to get rid of the warm grasses.

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My neighbor has built a building annoyingly close to my property line. I want to plant bamboo so that I don't have to see his building. I know it is invasive and will spread like a mofo, and I'm ok with that. How do I go about getting it started? Can I just throw out some seeds?
Do not. I have seriously contemplated murdering my neighbor over the bamboo he planted. It spread over 50ft into my yard in two years. I am currently pursuing a law suit against them. It grew through the floor (3/4" plywood) of my new shed and is a total pia.
My neighbor has built a building annoyingly close to my property line. I want to plant bamboo so that I don't have to see his building. I know it is invasive and will spread like a mofo, and I'm ok with that. How do I go about getting it started? Can I just throw out some seeds?
You're insane.

It's the worst stuff ever. We have several acres of it and it spreads like wildfire and is nearly impossible to kill and then keep out. It's a rhizome so you kill what you spray but it pops right back up from its extensive root network. Only way we've been able to get rid of it has been to dig up the entire root mat.
Do not. I have seriously contemplated murdering my neighbor over the bamboo he planted. It spread over 50ft into my yard in two years. I am currently pursuing a law suit against them. It grew through the floor (3/4" plywood) of my new shed and is a total pia.
You're insane.

It's the worst stuff ever. We have several acres of it and it spreads like wildfire and is nearly impossible to kill and then keep out. It's a rhizome so you kill what you spray but it pops right back up from its extensive root network. Only way we've been able to get rid of it has been to dig up the entire root mat.
Would it be different if you lived on 18 acres, and your neighbor lived on 7 acres, and he built his "shop" 4ft off the property line (without ever getting a survey) in the only place on his entire property that is in view of your front porch? And then had the entry door on the side of the building that is 4ft from the property line instead of the side that goes towards his yard and house? And then regularly had the lights on and music playing loud enough that you could understand the lyrics from your front porch 300-400ft away?
Would it be different if you lived on 18 acres, and your neighbor lived on 7 acres, and he built his "shop" 4ft off the property line (without ever getting a survey) in the only place on his entire property that is in view of your front porch? And then had the entry door on the side of the building that is 4ft from the property line instead of the side that goes towards his yard and house? And then regularly had the lights on and music playing loud enough that you could understand the lyrics from your front porch 300-400ft away?
That would be as sinful as planting kudzu!!!

Ok, experts. We bought our house this past winter, so missed out on a lot of prep work for this year. Is there anything I can do to thicken it up some and just spruce things up? Dont have funds to this year, but the entire acre where the house and other buildings are will likely be redone in the next few years, as it has some low spots. Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!

What can I do from the road to the shop/barn? tons of foot traffic and some vehicle traffic

This is what most of the yard looks like (ignore the wheel/tire)



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So not all species of Bamboo are invasive: Afraid to Plant Bamboo? These varieties Aren't invasive. | I seem to recall a thread where @shawn was talking about this?

I would lean towards planting something of the fir variety, either cedar or cypress, etc. Planting something that will grow fast, on the property line, that may hinder his entrance to the building.

If you really wanted to get back at them.... you could take the skid steer at install a Rhizome barrier around the property line in that area and plant normal bamboo. The barrier should keep it from spreading your direction, but may not stop it from spreading in his.

Bamboo control barrier
That would be as sinful as planting kudzu!!!

Ok, experts. We bought our house this past winter, so missed out on a lot of prep work for this year. Is there anything I can do to thicken it up some and just spruce things up? Dont have funds to this year, but the entire acre where the house and other buildings are will likely be redone in the next few years, as it has some low spots. Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!

What can I do from the road to the shop/barn? tons of foot traffic and some vehicle traffic
View attachment 265544

This is what most of the yard looks like (ignore the wheel/tire)
View attachment 265546

View attachment 265547

Are you wanting rid of everything but fescue or just wanting grass coverage? Most of that will be covered and green once it gets hot enough.

Also, on a path that gets alot of traffic, esp vehicle, it is hard to get grass to stand. The traffic compresses the dirt and doesnt allow the roots to grow well.
Are you wanting rid of everything but fescue or just wanting grass coverage? Most of that will be covered and green once it gets hot enough.

Also, on a path that gets alot of traffic, esp vehicle, it is hard to get grass to stand. The traffic compresses the dirt and doesnt allow the roots to grow well.

Just fescue would be great. but Ill settle for just nice green grass. If itll cover on its own, anything I can do to help it along?

May end up just doing gravel through there. I just dont want a mud pit.

I would lean towards planting something of the fir variety, either cedar or cypress, etc. Planting something that will grow fast, on the property line, that may hinder his entrance to the building.
I don't really want it to be obvious that I'm planting something. I'm still trying to decide if I should just call the county because the setback is either 15ft or 25ft depending on interpretation, but I really don't want to be that neighbor, since I hate the county rules too. Even if it's back 15ft, I would still be able to see/hear it, so a barrier would be more useful than him getting a zoning exception and thinking its ok. Since the building is already built, I doubt they will make him tear it down.