Lawn and Landscape

I have one kinda like that, but the little fuckers kept digging under it. I'm not sure where it is at the moment, but I got pissed off and stopped bothering with it. Maybe it's time to try again.

The directions tell you not to handle the trap without gloves as the moles will avoid human scent, you might need to clean the trap before trying again.

I have had good luck with it, in my experience if the trap isn't sprung in 2 days, pull it and move it. The moles have either abandoned that tunnel or it wasn't a "main" tunnel (I guess they dig exploratory tunnels).

I didn't have any luck getting a hawk to take the mole, but it eventually got knocked to the ground, and some predator came and scooped it up, hopefully nature starts doing some work for me.
They are called a Land Planarium. They don't really do any harm but slug bait or diatomacious earth if he must.
Was told they eat Earthworms, I hadn't done any research, just spewing what I was told, and I figured someone had experience with them on here.
So they are ok to have in the yard and or garden?

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Was told they eat Earthworms, I hadn't done any research, just spewing what I was told, and I figured someone had experience with them on here.
So they are ok to have in the yard and or garden?

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Well they are ugly and they leave a slime streak like a slug, so I just usually kill them. You do what you want.
ok guys whats the best to kill creeping charlie and clover ? 2-4d ? also have some crabgrass.
Yes 24d and your crabgrass would pretty small and young right now. If you put down pre em then you shouldn't have it. If it is crabgrass then there are products to spray it with but you're in for a long summer if you're having to start that now.
My new fescue (planted in the fall) has been doing well, followed all the directions given by @R Q with good success.

In the last week there have been patches of lawn (only in the front yard) that looked like they were getting dry/burned. Then spots within the dry section started turning dark brown/black. Is this a fungus, is it a soil deficiency?

The last picture is proof that most of the lawn is still chugging along and green.


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See the mailbox post....any chance the mailman is running in the yard there?
Nope, I actually moved the mailbox a year ago because of that, mailman was very appreciative, plus some of the spots are 10-15' from the road.
Take a soil probe and see how much soil is there, normally areas close to asphalt get hot quicker because the top soil is thin and it has road bond (gravel) under it

this occurs not only in the heat, but under periods where it hasn’t rained in a while,

areas in the middle of your lawn can be affected by What is called hydrophobic condition, where the soil actually repels water
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@guffey24 let me know if these work for you......the dark brown/black grass seems to have all turns to straw in the last day.


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@guffey24 let me know if these work for you......the dark brown/black grass seems to have all turns to straw in the last day.
@guffey24 do you think these pics show some damping off? I agree about the dying off at the road is probably heat and gravel related. Developers and pavers do a great injustice by carelessly spilling gravel and asphalt into the future lawn areas. Also some of the yellowing spots in the yard could be some Poa Annua finally dying off. It's held on a long time this spring due to the cool and damp conditions.
@guffey24 this is about the best my cheapo phone can snap.

I am inclined to think it is low topsoil content around the mailbox, I spread 16 yards of topsoil last year, but it was mostly to fill ow spots and cover areas that had none, perhaps now I have moved onto the next weakest link?

What is the best way to go about putting down new soil without killing all the grass or watching it all wash down to the backyard (fall during over seeding?)


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@guffey24 this is about the best my cheapo phone can snap.

I am inclined to think it is low topsoil content around the mailbox, I spread 16 yards of topsoil last year, but it was mostly to fill ow spots and cover areas that had none, perhaps now I have moved onto the next weakest link?

What is the best way to go about putting down new soil without killing all the grass or watching it all wash down to the backyard (fall during over seeding?)
You may have some rust there but I'll defer to Guffey on disease ID. What you should check around mailbox and pavement is if there is a lot of gravel in the soil under whatever soil is there.
@guffey24 this is about the best my cheapo phone can snap.

I am inclined to think it is low topsoil content around the mailbox, I spread 16 yards of topsoil last year, but it was mostly to fill ow spots and cover areas that had none, perhaps now I have moved onto the next weakest link?

What is the best way to go about putting down new soil without killing all the grass or watching it all wash down to the backyard (fall during over seeding?)

definitely showing some brown patch in those pictures, could be some other diseases, but weather has been pretty good for growing cool season grass thus far

what seed did you plant last fall?
definitely showing some brown patch in those pictures, could be some other diseases, but weather has been pretty good for growing cool season grass thus far

what seed did you plant last fall?
Bought the blue tag (?) certified kentucky 31 from Agra Supply, can't remember the brand off hand.
any good solutions, is it isolated or will it spread?

it will spread with wet conditions and actually mowing when wet

easiest way for a person to treat that doesn’t have a skid type sprayer would be to put out a granular fungicide, I like Headway G, it can be bought at a professional store

it needs to be put out on wet turf, and let dry for at least 4 hours before rainfall or irrigation
I feel like a slouch, you have put more work into your driveway than I have my entire yard this year :lol:

It takes a fair amount of work. Refer to the 'Fuck, I'm getting old' thread, LOL.
What's turning a couple of my green giants brown? 3 or 4 out of 9 have started turning brown. We have had plenty of rain and I water them if it doesn't rain for a couple days. My saltwater pool is just above this, could run off of the saltwater cause it?

These were planted around mid April.


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