Lets See a Pic of Your tow rig and trailer.

Question both of you... any perceived issues dancing around the doors and loading heavier stuff as you get older?

IOW, have banged my legs on enough doors, all whilst stooping over to load a toolbox/5 gal bucket of goo/heavy objects AND have a real bed :flipoff2: that's 9' long... seriously thinking about mounting boxes on TOP, upside down so the doors will open up (high enough to miss my gourd using hydraulic openers) and doesn't appear to negatively affect what can be hauled...
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the only higher mounting option would be on the bed. Yes, that would be easier to get stuff in and out of, but would defeat the purpose of the big flatbed. I have the sides off a couple times a month loading/unloading stuff, and have it full edge to edge all the time. I also open the door on my boxes and use them as a step to get in and out of the bed all the time.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the only higher mounting option would be on the bed. Yes, that would be easier to get stuff in and out of, but would defeat the purpose of the big flatbed. I have the sides off a couple times a month loading/unloading stuff, and have it full edge to edge all the time. I also open the door on my boxes and use them as a step to get in and out of the bed all the time.
Correct... ON the bed. Aside from mulch, gravel, & occasionally lumber, I rarely utilize "the whole bed", but 99% of the time, the entire backseat area is FULL 🤬