Lots of interesting news today

The leading cusp edge of the engine fell off and landed on some guys 3rd gen mega cab. Very salty on Reddit haha.

I can hear the Farmer's insurance commercial now.
i don't know whatever GIF
Do they not have the same 50ft riparian buffer rule in the mountains as we do down here? If that tree was actually on the creek bank and home boy cut it down, he could be ina world of hurt if someone contacted DEQ on him.
i bet she is from Florida or up north.

trying to tell someone not to cut a tree on their own property is stupid. and if they were logging they would have had to leave it anyways.
Well would you look at that...

"In her late 40s, Fairchild lives with her partner on a wooded ridgeline just outside downtown. Arriving here about a decade ago, she came from Boston, wanting to build a homestead."

Also, somebody should ask her what the land her house is on looked like before it was cleared to build it.
From my understanding it is every situation. Enforcement is spotty at best though. 90% of the time someone only gets caught if there is a complaint.
its for commercial mainly. law was written to be used in logging originally and is used for developments, but you can get variances for developments. most gov. officials arent going to make a stink over a single tree on private property, unless its done some major damage.
Which is a complete crock of shit. Developments and municipalitys are where the excessive nutrients in our waterways come from, but they cry foul and blame hog farmers and row crop farmers instead.
oh they have alot of steps to complete, and if they dont my buddy gets to watch them clean the creeks out with a shovel.
oh they have alot of steps to complete, and if they dont my buddy gets to watch them clean the creeks out with a shovel.
Sediment during construction isn't nutrients. All those golf course green lawns year round draining into storm water drains and sheet flowing into creeks are the nutrients. I had a guy w DEQ tell me they couldn't get mussels to grow for love nor money at yates mill pond because the water was so polluted. There isn't a hog farm in that watershed, but there are a blue million houses. I'm 1/2 a mile down stream from a sow farm and have mussels out the wazoo, but not all the houses, yet :(
Need to find out who's making the windshield for these, and buy stock in them now!

Who the heck tells someone they found that? It's a sellers market!

And really?
"We’re very thankful for the family who called this in, to make sure that if they are connected later to something, obviously related to a crime that we have justice for that family as well,” said a Phoenix police sergeant.
So if they have the serial numbers in a database, they already have the information on the gun. And if they don't already have the serial numbers associated with a crime, then they are useless.