Lots of interesting news today

If they want to really test their autonomous driving shit, They should hire my wife. She’s about as unpredictable and irrational behind the wheel as anything out there. And aggressive, great combination🤨
If they want to really test their autonomous driving shit, They should hire my wife. She’s about as unpredictable and irrational behind the wheel as anything out there. And aggressive, great combination🤨
paging @UTfball68
His wife seems to the accident magnet
This is the part I'm not so sure about, and where the human brain (typically) outperforms AI.
What’s scary is the ethic and moral algorithms that have to be programmed. No idea what the name of the Dilemma Is but:

A car is driving around a blind curve at an appropriate rate of speed. Once exiting the curve a group of people are in the middle of the road. If no correction is made the entire group of people will be kill. If corrective action is made the passenger(s) will be killed. What is the correct action.
What’s scary is the ethic and moral algorithms that have to be programmed. No idea what the name of the Dilemma Is but:

A car is driving around a blind curve at an appropriate rate of speed. Once exiting the curve a group of people are in the middle of the road. If no correction is made the entire group of people will be kill. If corrective action is made the passenger(s) will be killed. What is the correct action.

According to the documentary ‘I, Robot’…the action with the highest survival rate. That being said, even with a human driver…what’s the correct action? Kill an assumed loved one(s) or be mentally fubar’d for the rest of your life.
What’s scary is the ethic and moral algorithms that have to be programmed. No idea what the name of the Dilemma Is but:

A car is driving around a blind curve at an appropriate rate of speed. Once exiting the curve a group of people are in the middle of the road. If no correction is made the entire group of people will be kill. If corrective action is made the passenger(s) will be killed. What is the correct action.
thats why the system only works if it is 100% automated.
There's wouldn't be people standing in the middle of the road :D. You introduced a non-automated (actually, completely atonomous) variable.
Then you have some AI system telling us 'Mericans where we can and cannot stand. Good luck with that one... Some overly entitled person will decided no computer is going to tell them they can't setup camp on the freeway.
According to the documentary ‘I, Robot’…the action with the highest survival rate. That being said, even with a human driver…what’s the correct action? Kill an assumed loved one(s) or be mentally fubar’d for the rest of your life.
Why would you be mentally fubard if you ran over some people in the road? Get out of the road if you don't want to be hit. As far as I would know, I was doing their wishes. For sure they are getting hit over me or my loved ones getting hurt. No issue at all. We coddle idiots (being in a car travel lane as a pedestrian for example) far too much.
Why would you be mentally fubard if you ran over some people in the road? Get out of the road if you don't want to be hit. As far as I would know, I was doing their wishes. For sure they are getting hit over me or my loved ones getting hurt. No issue at all. We coddle idiots (being in a car travel lane as a pedestrian for example) far too much.

Im not quite sure how to respond to this…but you’re saying if you’re ever in the situation where you hit a jaywalking pedestrian, much less a group of them and you have no other option…you’re not feeling some kind of way about it? No guilt, no remorse, no lifetime of thinking about scenarios that would have altered the outcome, etc etc? If you don’t suffer some sort of mental deterioration, you’re probably a serial killer.
This is the solution to morons protesting and standing in the road:
Im not quite sure how to respond to this…but you’re saying if you’re ever in the situation where you hit a jaywalking pedestrian, much less a group of them and you have no other option…you’re not feeling some kind of way about it? No guilt, no remorse, no lifetime of thinking about scenarios that would have altered the outcome, etc etc? If you don’t suffer some sort of mental deterioration, you’re probably a serial killer.
Aight now, you're moving the goalposts. First it was "appropriate speed around a blind curve" and now it's "jaywalking pedestrians that should never be there because there is no time to react and slow down so they are all gonna die". If you are outdriving your visibility and stopping distance, then you are not going the "appropriate speed".
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Im not quite sure how to respond to this…but you’re saying if you’re ever in the situation where you hit a jaywalking pedestrian, much less a group of them and you have no other option…you’re not feeling some kind of way about it? No guilt, no remorse, no lifetime of thinking about scenarios that would have altered the outcome, etc etc? If you don’t suffer some sort of mental deterioration, you’re probably a serial killer.
Never said I wouldn't feel 'some type of way'....I just wouldn't be mentally fubard. If I'm doing everything exactly right and someone is in a blind curve or steps out in front at the last second...well things are gonna have to happen...no fault of mine.
Why were they jaywalking? Get out of the road....and I'm sure not gonna suffer a lifetime of guilt because I ran over a mindless person in the road vs. Killing myself or my loved ones. Way too many mindless people walking around sucking from society as it is.
Im not going around looking for people to hit, I actively slow and stop to miss people in the road every day. Im generally a nice, decent, hard working, golden rule practicing human. .nice assumption though.
Aight now, you're moving the goalposts. First it was "appropriate speed around a blind curve" and now it's "jaywalking pedestrians in a crosswalk that should never be there because there is no time to react and slow down so they are all gonna die". If you are outdriving your visibility and stopping distance, then you are not going the "appropriate speed".

I've never known there to be a crosswalk in the middle of blind curve...so if they're in the middle of the road, is that not 'jaywalking'? And I assume if there's a group of people there, they're pedestrians...but I suppose they could be on bikes and would technically be cyclists at that point.

Never said I wouldn't feel 'some type of way'....I just wouldn't be mentally fubard. If I'm doing everything exactly right and someone is in a blind curve or steps out in front at the last second...well things are gonna have to happen...no fault of mine.
Why were they jaywalking? Get out of the road....and I'm sure not gonna suffer a lifetime of guilt because I ran over a mindless person in the road vs. Killing myself or my loved ones. Way too many mindless people walking around sucking from society as it is.
Im not going around looking for people to hit, I actively slow and stop to miss people in the road every day. Im generally a nice, decent, hard working, golden rule practicing human. .nice assumption though.

I know this is the innernet where everyone is a hard ass, but those feelings that you admit you'd have, they don't go away, you just bury them and you have no idea how you'd process them. Hell, 2nd grade First Communion class, I was playing around with a classmate, he threw a piece of chalk at me, I threw an eraser at him...he dodged, tripped and smacked his head against a shelf and then the tile floor, he still drools down his chest to this day. I like to think I became pretty successful and I moved on in life, but that moment still haunts me to this day. Now what if it would have killed him, what if I didn't hesitate on my throw and he would have been 3' further from that shelf, what if the roles would have been reversed, what if what if what if.
So... Steering this train wreck back to AI.. I think the easy failsafe in the program is "execute emergency actions up to the safety limits of the vehicle". The vehicle should not be programmed to cause any self harm to the passengers. I'm sure that is in keeping with current traffic laws regarding accident avoidance. This would also be helpful in personal injury cases where jacknuts steps out in traffic. Your insurance could just say "we reviewed the car log and the program functioned within safety parameters."

My issue with AI on the road is the simple stuff like safe driving distance. If you have ever used adaptive cruise control, you will quickly find people cut into your "safe distance" until your car is slowing down to 40 mph...
If you have ever used adaptive cruise control, you will quickly find people cut into your "safe distance" until your car is slowing down to 40 mph...
YES! I love the idea of adaptive cruise control, but it just doesn't work in tight traffic. Plus it doesn't look through the windshields of others and read traffic ahead and try to be in the best lane, nor read shadows and figure out if there is just 1 car in front of the truck in the left lane, or a row of them to determine if there is room to get around in the right lane because those dumbasses are in the damn left lane doing 67 in a 70. But I digress...
I've never known there to be a crosswalk in the middle of blind curve...so if they're in the middle of the road, is that not 'jaywalking'? And I assume if there's a group of people there, they're pedestrians...but I suppose they could be on bikes and would technically be cyclists at that point.
Fixed it. My countryboy mind automatically associates jaywalking with city people and crosswalks. And I'm sure there are crosswalks in the middle of blind curves, but hopefully they are designed with flashy lights and warnings and such. Point still stands regarding outdriving your visibility :D

It's like those construction signs that say "BE PREPARED TO STOP". Son, if you ain't prepared to stop, you shouldn't be driving. Period.
Point still stands regarding outdriving your visibility :D

It's like those construction signs that say "BE PREPARED TO STOP". Son, if you ain't prepared to stop, you shouldn't be driving. Period.

I don't disagree with that at all...in my opinion 'appropriate speed' and 'hit someone' in the same sentence would be an oxymoron.
It's like those construction signs that say "BE PREPARED TO STOP". Son, if you ain't prepared to stop, you shouldn't be driving. Period
You mean those signs that they randomly put up for months at a time regardless of an active construction zone or detour ahead. The once they try to get you to ignore?
thats why the system only works if it is 100% automated.
There's wouldn't be people standing in the middle of the road :D. You introduced a non-automated (actually, completely atonomous) variable.

Exactly which is why they need to put our brain into an AI robot so everything is actually controlled by AI