Lots of interesting news today

This is gonna get interesting... in a state that has constant power problems

I'm not the smartest guy out there but...

New portable generators will be subject to stricter standards by that time and will be required to meet zero-emissions standards by 2028.

How do you make a portable generator zero emission?
I'm not the smartest guy out there but...

How do you make a portable generator zero emission?
Or the "generator" is not petroleum powered. Perhaps it is solar or wind or fart powered. Oh wait that last one is an emission.
Ooorrr, it increases the number of landscapers needed tenfold. It will take a whole lot more guys pushing reel mowers to get done in an hour what one guy on a zero turn can do.
even more robbing peter to pay paul.
All that human power requires energy... food. And where does the energy to grow that food, and then get it to your human power source come from?
Going to need about 10 guys with rakes to replace one guy with a leaf blower.

You can't fix stupid.
You guys aren't seeing the opportunity. They are banning new equipment. I see a HUGE market for "pre-ban" lawn equipment and repair. Kinda like the assault weapons ban quadrupled (or more) the price of an AR-15 in the 90s.
You guys aren't seeing the opportunity. They are banning new equipment. I see a HUGE market for "pre-ban" lawn equipment and repair. Kinda like the assault weapons ban quadrupled (or more) the price of an AR-15 in the 90s.
Or setting up sales just outside the CA state line.
So how much electricity that powers California is "green" is it all wind and solar? I doubt its even half. But I don't know if they use nuclear or just pipe it in from coal plants out of state. But all these batteries have to get charged somehow and converting solar farm or wind energy to low voltage DC comes at a significant drop in efficiency. It seems they want us to believe they have some sort of perpetual motion machine that defies the laws of physics and all we have to do is get enough people hoping it will work and then poof we're all living off of happy thoughts and rainbows.

I for one am quite content burning stuff to make power so I'm all for the California perpetual motion machine cuz I'ma gonna need all their fuel...
So how much electricity that powers California is "green" is it all wind and solar?

Made me curious, so I checked, More than I thought actually... But they still burn a lot of natural gas. This page isn't really About "Green" though, it specifies "renewable", and calls Nuclear and large Hydro non-renewable... So you'd have to juggle the percentages around , cause some of the "renewables" aren't green, and some of the "non-renewables" are green, But anyway you slice, it's less than 50% green....


Senators Sanders and Manchin agreed on something today. In other news: the weather report in Hell shows the temperature low will be 32 degrees.
Man, just think what the ACLU could accomplish if they would focus on defending the Civil Liberty of Americans :rolleyes:

I am embarrassed to say that all I can think is I’m glad this foolishness didn’t happen.
12 year old girl riding in a vehicle with a non-related 19 yo boy at 3 am in a stolen vehicle. Yeah, yeah something’s up there.

And there is a lot of missing information that the police know. And it should be released to the media. I’m tired of the “he was a good kid” the media releases. Don’t speak ill of the dead but also don’t white wash facts.

So her father IS concerned now ? where was her father when is 12 yo baby girl was riding around w other children in a stolen suv w guns in it @ 3am? Is he in jail? prison? wtf daddy ?