Lots of interesting news today

I remember my dad talking to me about this when I was little and how we are going to think its such a great thing, seeing as how reliant we are on technology now, but will end up being the beginning of something terrible.
this whole situation just keeps getting worse.
I really don't understand why they would fire the superintendent. Seems like they should start with the administration at the school.

Also, the usual drivel about "Common sense gun laws"...a SIX YEAR OLD brought a gun to school and shot someone. How many laws were broken before he even pulled out the gun? 20? Maybe more?
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I can't wrap my head around the idiocy that exists in that school.

It seems to me that everyone would be HYPER aware of any gun related concerns in a school.
Most schools go on lock down if a crime is committed 5 miles away.

I'd fire the entire staff that had a hand in this monumental breakdown. The Super had little to do with it, except allowing the hiring of morons, and being paid WAAAYYYYY too much.

Those teachers are paid too much.
Yeah firing the Super is dumb.
I can only imagine they were at the board meeting with a bunch of parents and teachers really pissed, and had to do... something... the board can't fire teachers or admin, they can fire the Super.... so they did.

Burned pretty good and crashed and broke several bones in two month time. His third strike might really be out if he keeps up!


Burned pretty good and crashed and broke several bones in two month time. His third strike might really be out if he keeps up!

Just saw that. Cut thru a parking lot and a wire string across without flags clips him off the motorcycle 😳

trillions of dollars for the illusion of safety

why are we so dumb?
Hey @skyhighZJ I found a stay-at-home job for you! Call Center Technician.

"Thank you for calling the Gunbunny Hotline. We are experiencing unusually high calls for fire, so wait times may be longer than normal. If this is regarding a hang fire, please wait to talk to a technician before attempting to open the breach..."

Hey @skyhighZJ I found a stay-at-home job for you! Call Center Technician.

"Thank you for calling the Gunbunny Hotline. We are experiencing unusually high calls for fire, so wait times may be longer than normal. If this is regarding a hang fire, please wait to talk to a technician before attempting to open the breach..."

Honestly, one of the biggest weaknesses of the United States military is its reliance on civilian troubleshooting and support even in forward deployed environments. The true skill of in-depth repair is lost on the military and the massive advancements in technology, although amazing, has surpassed the grasp of the common repai person to the point of having to pay 6 figure salary’s to these civi techs (and even more $$ when the are deployed forward) that we have pretty much shot ourselves in the foot (and wallet) as a country.
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I haven't been "home" to visit Cary for several years now... and I'm not sure I really want to anymore.
I loved what it was when I was a kid but thats all long gone.
I drove through there back around Christmas. I don't know what it used to be, but most everything we passed was the typical completely sterile and sanitized white suburban strip mall feel.