Lots of interesting news today

There is no doubt in my mind the weather trend is for a hotter avg climate. I remember days over 90* being tracked with usually no more than 10. Now they don’t even bother
Lots of smart people in this thread making totally irrelevant comments.

new cars can NOT be costing more, I just saw someone giving away a 1982 plymouth for free.

But I digress....
But, Regardless, I say Mankind, Has had an effect on Global Climate. New Subject please!View attachment 310266

So, riddle me this: The 20th century temperature change attributed to anthropogenic global warming is less than the known precision of heat contributions from natural sources.

So, how can you prove humans are causing global warming?
Lots of smart people in this thread making totally irrelevant comments.

new cars can NOT be costing more, I just saw someone giving away a 1982 plymouth for free.

But I digress....

Growing up, we didn't have AC in the house. Now we do.
Does that prove global warming?
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Growing up, we didn't have AC in the house. Now we do.
Does that prove global warming?
I can remember the first time staying in an air conditioned house, it was the coolest thing ever. No one in my family had A/C when I was a kid and thinking back it wasn’t that bad. Now there’s no way I could survive without it but I’m not as tuff as I used to be I guess.
I'm 47.

This has been the best year of my entire life. But then again, for the last 12 years, every day has gotten better than the day before.
While the stress increases with age, so does resilience. I'm blessed beyond what I could ever deserve. Sometimes I ask why, but most of the time I just give thanks and enjoy. If I die tomorrow I've lived an amazing and complete life, filled with love, incredible family and the best friends I could ever hope for.
I can remember the first time staying in an air conditioned house, it was the coolest thing ever. No one in my family had A/C when I was a kid and thinking back it wasn’t that bad. Now there’s no way I could survive without it but I’m not as tuff as I used to be I guess.

Heck I still don't have it.
Well you are tuffer than me then. I can’t sleep if it’s above 71* and 30% humidity now days. Growing up in Cruso without it wasn’t bad but we were at higher elevation, heavily shaded, and on the river. If it was above about 65* our ass was in the river freezing in the glacier water.

It's about the same here, I'm a little lower in elevation than most of Cruso. The wife has informed me however we will have it installed before this summer.
I can remember the first time staying in an air conditioned house, it was the coolest thing ever.
I see what you did there....
Well you are tuffer than me then. I can’t sleep if it’s above 71* and 30% humidity now days. Growing up in Cruso without it wasn’t bad but we were at higher elevation, heavily shaded, and on the river. If it was above about 65* our ass was in the river freezing in the glacier water.
my parents have AC and they probably turn it on about 10 days a year. being over 3500 ft in a cove helps keep it cool in the summer
We don't use it. Never got above 66 in the house last summer.

Wow! I HATE hot weather. What elevation is your house? I want to move next door, LOL!
Wow! I HATE hot weather. What elevation is your house? I want to move next door, LOL!
Load that log shed on a rollback and set up in his front yard :huggy:
Wow! I HATE hot weather. What elevation is your house? I want to move next door, LOL!

We're at 2650'. Surrounded by many, many mature poplar, oak and maple trees. The house stays completely shaded spring through fall.
Those same trees are making my shop build budget go way up due to clearing our adjacent property...
