Lumber prices and alternatives

They're still building $400k houses, 10 feet apart from each other around here by the hundreds of acres.
Makes me wonder what "cost" was in them that they can still do them at double the "cost!"
So how could a guy with a decent quality hobby sawmill capitalize on the current situation?
Meanwhile in SC

I grew up with the Tuckers. They’re good people. Went to church and school with them. Stepmother retired from there. They’ve been killing it for as long as I can remember. Their great grandkids kids won’t need to work. You in Pageland?
thats in rock hill
How much of that already belongs to somebody else?
CM Tucker is the Lowes PT supplier. Used to be mine as well. I guarantee at least 80% of that has the Lowes Severe Weather tag as opposed to the typical MCA tag regular yards have on their material.
To add to this I saw on the news where they said gas stations might start running out because the tanker companies can't find drivers.
I still have my Class A CDL. Maybe I should give up this cushy WFH desk job and go drive a truck.

In second thought, someone hand me 2 aspirin and a Honey so that thought will go away.
@obullfish if you want walnut, go check out applachian walnut company in lincolnton. They have about the best price for walnut around charlotte. Starts out at $5 a bf and goes up based on figure. I also stopped by B.E. Kluttz Lumber today in Concord. They had a very nice selection of reasonably priced slabs/lumber and carried a lot of exotics as well

edit: also thanks for the follow on IG :beer:
Quality has definitely dropped off.
a couple guys i went to school with that were bidding on state road work jobs have said they are stopping all bidding. Gov. work that involves lumber or unstable products i think will be coming to a standstill soon.
Yeah it's super tough for them. We just put an order in for a couple of tractor trailer loads for a job to rebuild a old trestle bridge turned to a trail bridge. It was touch and go there for everybody between the bid opening and contract issuing. Thankfully they didn't take 30 days to get the contract out!