So why is this? Diferent markets?
Obviously Ill let the SME (the honorable Mr Humility himself) correct me if Im wrong, but my understanding is OSB has been hit by a massive 1-2 punch.
There was the wood product shortage that impacted all lumber price, and there was also a chemical supply chain issue for the bonding resin resulting from either the Texas snowfall or a plant fire, or maybe a hummingbird got caught in the weathervane or something.
But as Rodney's post surmises, we are all Nero fiddling along while we are inflated. Lumber prices fell the largets in history. However the new "normal" would account for the 2nd largest price increase in a 120 day span in the track of the commodity.
Its classic market manipulation.
Widgets sell for $1.00 and people buy them as needed.
OMG We are almost out of widgets better buy while you can.
We have no widgets must raise price to $5.
Panic buying, what will we do without widgets.
Demand is still out stripping supply. New Wdiget Price $7.
Ok Widgets are now $20.
Some people still need widgets. Others say screw a widget it aint that good.
Finally supply is starting to restore.
Oh crap we have way too much supply and storage costs money.
Widget prices slashed fro m new high of $23 to a free fall of only $6.50.
People: Thank you o much for the affordable $6.50 widgets. You are so great.
News, Widget value FREE FALLS biggest in history. Price still 6x what it was 90 days ago.
Widget King CEO rides off in sunset.
La Fin