Malaysia MH370

edit..I didnt see the New Zealand circle. That would make it more like what...15 to 20% coverage..

Woops I mixed up New Guinea w/ New Zealand. One of those big islands off of the other big island.
That makes good sense too. I just keep wondering though...why didn't the passengers sense something and start calling out or texting?
The author was questioned about that on reddit. He had various possibilities in regards to this, one being that dead zone in regards service and the fact that anything on the plane that could burn would be a dense toxic smoke which would make it near impossible to breathe let alone text. I'm not honestly sure what type of ventilation would be present in a airplane in that type of situation. Do they have methods to extract the smoke without further fueling the fire?
You guys do realize that in order for a txt/cell call to work... you have to be within proximity of a cell phone tower... and not 20,000 feet above the ground right?
There was a very good article I just read (via Facebook, can't get a link to copy, article was from

In any case, the author speculated a fire. He went on to detail that the pilots would have shut down all electrical equipment (including transponders) in an effort to stop the fire from getting worse. He says that the apparent flight path change was to get them to an airport with an 11,000 foot runway with an approach over the ocean, as opposed to the 8,800, with a tough approach.

This is by far the best answer to this mystery. Makes the most sense. I just wonder why no one has investigated this further.
The author was questioned about that on reddit. He had various possibilities in regards to this, one being that dead zone in regards service and the fact that anything on the plane that could burn would be a dense toxic smoke which would make it near impossible to breathe let alone text. I'm not honestly sure what type of ventilation would be present in a airplane in that type of situation. Do they have methods to extract the smoke without further fueling the fire?

I didn't read the story, but anything on the interior of the plane has to be self-extinguishing. It won't burn more than a few seconds without an accelerant.
Ok , no cell phone calls

How about in-flight phones....

Those don't just "work" immediately when you pick them up.
Ok , I know damn well the plane didn't randomly explode.

We all know that. They are withholding the truth. Fire on board? No, why would pilot call out all right good night if he was taking on a in-flight fire. After he turned off the system.

Some govt is up to something , give it time.
Ok , I know damn well the plane didn't randomly explode.

We all know that. They are withholding the truth. Fire on board? No, why would pilot call out all right good night if he was taking on a in-flight fire. After he turned off the system.

Some govt is up to something , give it time.

There is some conflicting evidence that the system was off before or after the pilot signed off. It doesn't appear that anyone knows for sure if the communication came before or after.

I read yet another article that speculates that the plane flew over China/India/Pakistan and they shot it down as a threat, and now they are trying to figure out how to cover it up.
Oh and cell phones in2001 could get a clear signal at 28500 feet but now they can't...

Remember flight 93....

They "proved" to "truthers" in 02 that you could get a cell reception at 50,000 feet. ( I don't buy this but that's what popular mechanics "proved")

When a computer couldn't use google maps worth piss. They got regular signal but new phones Now signal or not have gps ( s stands for .......)
Oh and cell phones in2001 could get a clear signal at 28500 feet but now they can't...

Remember flight 93....

They "proved" to "truthers" in 02 that you could get a cell reception at 50,000 feet. ( I don't buy this but that's what popular mechanics "proved")

When a computer couldn't use google maps worth piss. They got regular signal but new phones Now signal or not have gps ( s stands for .......)
Keep in mind that in 2001/2002, cell phones still used analog signal, which you could get out in the middle of freaking nowhere, 100 miles from a tower, even if it was just the little bar that came and went at Uwharrie if you had Verizon and stood on top of the jeep in the right areas. Now its all digital, which is better when you have it, but gone when its gone.
There was a very good article I just read (via Facebook, can't get a link to copy, article was from

In any case, the author speculated a fire. He went on to detail that the pilots would have shut down all electrical equipment (including transponders) in an effort to stop the fire from getting worse. He says that the apparent flight path change was to get them to an airport with an 11,000 foot runway with an approach over the ocean, as opposed to the 8,800, with a tough approach.

This is by far the best answer to this mystery. Makes the most sense. I just wonder why no one has investigated this further.
Then went to 45000 feet to potentially starve the fire of oxygen???
Keep in mind that in 2001/2002, cell phones still used analog signal, which you could get out in the middle of freaking nowhere, 100 miles from a tower, even if it was just the little bar that came and went at Uwharrie if you had Verizon and stood on top of the jeep in the right areas. Now its all digital, which is better when you have it, but gone when its gone.

Plus lets remember the plane was 45,000ft high which is roughly 8 miles up...PLUS it was 40 miles in the middle of the ocean...lets triangulate that shit and if the cell tower was on the coast thats something like ~50 miles from the nearest tower.

Int he US many planes that have on board cell communication use a network extender that runs through a satellite internet company...
Plus on 9/11 the terrorists were flying the planes low as they were mostly visually flying off land marks.

That made cell communication possible...even still MOST of those Flight 93 calls were made from on board phone service...
Then went to 45000 feet to potentially starve the fire of oxygen???

Yup, mentioned in the article. He said the drop in elevation could be a false read (due to azimuth readings and such) or due to a stall. I would think if they pulled the main bus (as most pilots would), the stall warning would be shut off. He said the flight envelope at 45,000 feet would be minimal and a stall would be very easy, even for a pilot with 19,000 hours.

I think this is the most likely theory to date.
My point was GPS is a satellite function. When I have no signal I aways have GPS

A GPS RECEIVER receives info from a dont have a satellite transmitter in your phone.

In other words your phone sees the satellite the satellite doesnt see your phone
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