Malaysia MH370

Yes there are probably more injuries/fatalities per accident, but you're comparing apples to oranges. Cars on overage can only seat 5. Give everyone city busses, and watch the numbers increase exponentially. I bet there were more automotive fatalities in the US alone last week than injuries/fatalities in the aviation industry worldwide in that same week.

And no, you don't automatically die if an engine quits. There are MANY procedures to safely maneuver and land the aircraft. Did you know each twin engine commercial aircraft has to be able to shut down 1 of it's engines and not only maintain it's altitude, but also increase it's altitude and sustain that climb before it's certified? Did you also know that scheduled commercial carriage aircraft are required to have 2 engines in the US?

There are 254,000,000 cars registered in the US.
If half of those are on the road in a given day with 1 person each that means 127,000,000 drive cars in the US...compared to said 50,000 flights? Lets say all have 200 people on board. That would be 10,000,000 people worldwide in a plane vs 127,000,000 in cars in the US alone.

We can each manipulate statistics.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks logically. And I have NO WHERE NEAR his experience, but I also have ATC experience and am also a pilot. Pretty cool he put in that much time.

He actually timed out. I'll be honest and say that over the years, he's neglected to answer many questions I have asked about his work. Not because it was a secret or anything, he just didn't like to talk about it. One might mistake his quiet,loner attitude for being an would be right. 30 years on that job made him that way.
There are 254,000,000 cars registered in the US.
If half of those are on the road in a given day with 1 person each that means 127,000,000 drive cars in the US...compared to said 50,000 flights? Lets say all have 200 people on board. That would be 10,000,000 people worldwide in a plane vs 127,000,000 in cars in the US alone.

We can each manipulate statistics.

Yes we can, lets talk about injuries/fatalities per passenger mile traveled.... I don't care how anyone puts it, aviation is BY FAR the safest means of transportation in the world.
He actually timed out. I'll be honest and say that over the years, he's neglected to answer many questions I have asked about his work. Not because it was a secret or anything, he just didn't like to talk about it. One might mistake his quiet,loner attitude for being an would be right. 30 years on that job made him that way.

It's just amazing people can make it that long. ATC has the #1 job related suisides and divorces amongst their employees in the country. I'm only in 2 years and already hate it, haha!
Yes we can, lets talk about injuries/fatalities per passenger mile traveled.... I don't care how anyone puts it, aviation is BY FAR the safest means of transportation in the world.

only statistically that doesnt bear out.
Yes aviation is safe, Im not arguing that point. In fact I logged 500,000 flyer miles for business before my 25th birthday.
Ive also driven in excess of 1.5 million miles in my life and have died from neither yet. By your conclusion both methods are 100% safe.
This has been his answer was, Why would I leave my wife, she's the only one that'd ever put up with him.

and the suicide thing...He's too stubborn for that.
Read the other day -- in the Internet, so it has to be true -- that the USN has such a complete sonar mapping of the sea floors now, that given time, they can re-scan the entire floor of the Indian ocean, and compare from prior scans, and find stuff down to a coke bottle thrown overboard. It would take lots of time, both to scan, and to compare the data sets.
And lots of money that our IDIOT commander and chief would spend before giving back retirement to our military, taxes to hard working individuals, or reinvesting it into our country's own issues. I get mad thinking about how much money that we don't have, yet gave to the Ukraine...
Wow so what % of the total surface of the Earth is that?

I see the ring now include New Zealand, I bet it's somewhere in Middle Earth.
just looking at our globe...I'm guessing here..maybe 7 % idk. but it's a
lot. I'd say the northern arc would be better, maybe finding it on land would be easier that if it went nose first into the indian ocean. Thats a big ole ocean. 3rd deepest too

edit..I didnt see the New Zealand circle. That would make it more like what...15 to 20% coverage..
I can see the northern arc and cant imagine no one seeing it fly by..however, the southern thats all deeeeep ocean. This thing may never be found. Maybe something surfaces off the coast of somalia..who knows? But that dont mean crap. stuff can float for miles and miles. Samali pirates may have
The more I think into it, the more I do believe it was as simple has something going wrong, rather it be pilot error, kamikaze type ish, or a failed hijacking.....The only part I do not understand is there are no reports of people calling out or texting? I mean, If I am on a plane and its going down...Im at least texting as many people as I can....I don't know about cell phone reception in that part of the world..but it just seems odd.....
I dunno, I just don't understand how NOONE sent out a text or anything...I know your not supposed to be opn your phone, but on the few flights I have been on....I always see someone texting.

I also believe that we may never really know whay happened even if our government does....

But I still say it's in a hanger somewhere. As stated, unless it happened in an instant, you aren't going to keep 200 people from sending even one text. If you are trying to take over a plane with that many passengers, you would probably need some kind of gas injected into the A/C system to knock everyone out - and even then it's not going to happen all at once. Perhaps that's what the pilot meant by saying "All Right. Good Night".

I can just here Fillmore from Cars now.... "It's a conspiracy, man!"

But I still say it's in a hanger somewhere. As stated, unless it happened in an instant, you aren't going to keep 200 people from sending even one text. If you are trying to take over a plane with that many passengers, you would probably need some kind of gas injected into the A/C system to knock everyone out - and even then it's not going to happen all at once. Perhaps that's what the pilot meant by saying "All Right. Good Night".

I can just here Fillmore from Cars now.... "It's a conspiracy, man!"

Didnt they say that once they reached 45K feet it would kill the passengers from lack of oxygen???
Didnt they say that once they reached 45K feet it would kill the passengers from lack of oxygen???
If it depressurized at that altitude and the o2 was disabled and stayed for an extended period of time, then yes, it would kill. It's plausible too that if they depressurized the plane at 45,000 feet that the physical damage that it did to 200 +sets of eardrums, sinus cavities, etc would have been so painful that the last thing on your mind would be "Hey, I need to text someone before I faint".

To disable that system, yet have some kind of back up system only for pilot use, would probably take some work to get on the plane without anyone noticing - but hey! There were two people with Interpol tagged stolen passports from two different countries that bought sequential tickets without anyone raising an eyebrow, so why not?
The more I think into it, the more I do believe it was as simple has something going wrong, rather it be pilot error, kamikaze type ish, or a failed hijacking.....The only part I do not understand is there are no reports of people calling out or texting? I mean, If I am on a plane and its going down...Im at least texting as many people as I can....I don't know about cell phone reception in that part of the world..but it just seems odd.....
I dunno, I just don't understand how NOONE sent out a text or anything...I know your not supposed to be opn your phone, but on the few flights I have been on....I always see someone texting.

I also believe that we may never really know whay happened even if our government does....


Why the hell no text? That and the fact that heard on the news that relatives were still getting the cell phones to ring, and not go directly to voice mail...

Why the hell no text? That and the fact that heard on the news that relatives were still getting the cell phones to ring, and not go directly to voice mail...
But when was that? When were the family members trying to call the passengers?

So the flight was an overnight flight right? when did they declare the plane missing? were the families of the passengers notified while the plane was "still in the air" 4-5 hours after the ping was lost?
is this the time frame when the families of passengers were calling?

Why the hell no text? That and the fact that heard on the news that relatives were still getting the cell phones to ring, and not go directly to voice mail...

Not saying I have any clue what happened here, but I have seen plenty of times where I call somebody, it rings on my end, their phone never once rings and eventually goes to voicemail.

Also, if they did crash into the Ocean, there is a good chance the passengers never realized they were off course until it was too late, and you won't get any cell reception in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
To my knowledge which is only what I heard on the Nightly news..folks were still to this day getting phones to ring untill voicemail picked up. Instead of them going directly to voice mail, like what we all think phones are supposed to do when turned off or the battery is dead..or the phone burns up etc...

I've also heard or read somewhere(maybe on here idk..) that even a dead phone will still send out a tiny ''ping'' every once in a while. So with that said, where are the pings?
Not saying I have any clue what happened here, but I have seen plenty of times where I call somebody, it rings on my end, their phone never once rings and eventually goes to voicemail.
correct, but thats no fun to hear in the middle of a conspiracy conversation;)

Also, if they did crash into the Ocean, there is a good chance the passengers never realized they were off course until it was too late, and you won't get any cell reception in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
This better fits my personal theory..
no one realizes that the plane is climbing to 45,000 ft( no need for panicked text to loved ones.) Then, all of a sudden, the plane starts a 700 mph dive into the Indian ocean. I doubt any one could be texting during that type of decent. It happens too quickly and the G forces alone, would probably rip the phone from your hand and send it flying towards the bathroom in the back of the plane. Not to mention, folks would have been so disoriented and confused and scared during that decent that texting never entered their minds.

I wonder how fast a plane can go from 45,000 ft to the ocean, in a lawn dart dive...
The plane is under the sea.