[Mar 30, 2019] We Want Your Jeep in Our Action Film Shoot!! (Raleigh and Hickory)


New Member
Mar 5, 2019

Fellow Jeepsters!

We are looking for older, Mad Max-ish Jeeps and/or other 80’s vehicles to volunteer for a postapocalyptic fight film, THE DIRTIER/SCRAPPIER THE BETTER! Shoot dates are March 30th and 31st in Raleigh and Hickory, respectively. No JK’s, plz! We’ll be shooting in the same abandoned town as the Hunger Games, the famous District 12. Vehicles will be needed for both days. The film is called WASTERS and it’s being produced by Triangle Krav Maga, who made Krav Maga Compendium (you can see that at www.thisiskravmaga.com ). This is an action short film featuring h2h combat in a dystopian environment. If you’d like your vehicle in the film, message me the specs and pics of your ride and if you can drive it to the locations or if you’ll need us to pick it up. If you’d like to be an extra in the film, mention that too, and send photos of you looking postapocalyptic.

Owners of vehicles we use will have their names in the credits under “4X4 TEAM.”

Note: none of the vehicles will be doing stunts. They are there as props only.

Thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you. - MM
Dang it! I got a stupid wedding to go to that weekend. Otherwise I’d drag this thing out!
dam where's that fuller guy's pile of scrap he called a rig...he's got this in the bag, his time to shine :D:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: