Molested by Surry County Detectives


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
Molested by Surry County Detectives

On January 2nd 2009 I was returning to Mooresville NC from Bluefield WV in my brother's 2003 Toyota Tundra. I left Bluefield around 6:15 a.m. and traveled down I-77. I hit some snow till I reached Wythfield VA. It was a little overcast but daylight hit around 7ish as I traveled threw Galax. About 5 miles I tuned my headlight off and left my running lights on after seeing other vehicles in both directions do the same. As I came into Surry County NC around 7:45 am I noticed a Surry County Sherriff in the median. I glanced at my GPS and noted that I was going 72mph in a 70mph zone with my cruise control on. The detective Matt Darisse of the Surry County Sheriff pulled out of the median and decided to pull me over. I have a concealed carry permit but had my loaded gun (walther PPK/S) on the dash. I reached for my wallet but only found my drivers license. I pulled over near the weigh station out my hands at 10 and 2 while holding my license. Detective Matt Darisse approached from the passenger side where I said first off before he said a word "I have a concealed carry permit but cannot find my permit and my gun is on the dash". Then I said "why did you pull me over" Detective Matt Darisse said "I failed to burn my headlights." I responded with "it is after sunrise with no rain or snow" My dog barked at the officer and I told him "she is friendly but loud and won't jump out." He then asked me to exit the vehicle and step to the back. I looked up the south bound lane and Darisse said "what are you looking for?" I said "all the other vehicles that don't have their headlights on" He then had me spread my legs past shoulder width while he frisked me for "his safety" which I certainly agreed with. He patted me down from my neck to my feet. he went up my legs to my groin then down the other leg stopping to feel my groin and then down the other leg and back up finishing at my groin for a 3rd time. I felt very uncomfortable with Matt Darisse's hands feeling me up with a cupped hand. He asked me to explain why I was traveling on the road that early which I responded with "last night my girlfriend and her 6 year old daughter totaled her Cadillac catera 10 miles from exit 82 on I77 north when they hit a 140lbs+ 8 point buck at 7:30 pm". Then I told him that I had to drive to pick them up at a truck stop at exit 82 where a state trooper dropped them off. (I actually took pictures and met the tow truck driver and transferred all of their Christmas presents into my bros truck in the event it was totaled) I then told the detective that I drove them home to Bluefield woke up at 6 and drove home cause I had to work at 12:15. He said my story didn't make sense and he asked me to return to my truck and disarmed me saying he was could write me a ticket for the pistol. I stated I did nothing wrong. He returned to his vehicle when another unidentified officer pulled up behind detective Darisse. They spent some time talking and running my numbers and stuff. A couple of minutes pass and both officers ask me to exit the vehicle again, I said this ridiculous, I did nothing wrong, that's when Darisse grabbed my right arm and forced me to side of his cruiser where I meet officer #2. I felt like he was trying to get me out of the dash board cam view. I spoke to the other officer about the other cars and trucks on the road without their lights on and he responded with "when we are on a call and we see someone else breaking the law we need to finish the first before we can move on to the others". I also stated again that is was after sunrise with no precipitation. The 2nd officer asked to pat me down again for the second time and pushed me over the side of the hood. This is where it became degrading. He searched my groin area with a cupped hand 2 times and referred to my groin as my bulge kept asking if I am hiding anything in my bulge where he touched me inappropriately a 3rd time. He continued talking about my bulge that's when "I asked to be taken down to the police station" because I felt it was out of hand. I felt violated and somewhat sexually assaulted by my groin being groped 6 times and me searched 2 times. Darisse unchambered my gun which holds 7 in the clip and 1 in the chamber. Lecturing me on why I feel the need to carry a gun. I responded with "uhhh because it's my right to "I then said I am surprised you are unloading it cause that's a first for me" He responded with "you get pulled over a lot?" I responded with "only at license checks" Derisse photographed my pistol and when I thought they were going to release me Darisse asked if he could search the truck I said "no!" he said "why" which I responded with "I know my rights and it is a waste of my time and yours" He said "well I going to do it anyways" As he approached the truck I said "I have a dog" "you said your dog was friendly" "she is but she might jump out" "well you said she won't jump out" That was before you were going to open the......" I bit my tongue as he was walking towards me. Well he searched it anyway while the other cop tried to be buddy buddy with me. But I told him and detective Darisse to use the k9 unit from Darisse's cruiser but he refused to have his dog search. Darissa then moved to the driver’s side where he returned pumping his fists saying "We got a concealed weapon here!" As he returned with the alleged concealed weapon I notice that it was a 3 1/4" fixed blade Gerber knife. As Darisse photographed his bounty I turned to officer #2 and said that it is completely legal to have knifes under 6" concealed in NC he responded with a "I dunno" Darisse said I can leave as he handed me a warning ticket #2526 on form SCSO308 for "other--not burning headlights" I asked about my gun and knife and he said it was in the truck. I then asked Darisse for his badge number, where he responded with "it's either 103 or 113" so I asked for his card he said no so I asked for his license plate #. Which he responded with you need to get out of here. As I left I noticed that I now only had 7 .380 rounds instead of 8. I drove a little farther till the next exit where it started to snow and I was upset about what just happened and how violated that I felt. I started thinking what if that were my girlfriend and her daughter getting groped like that. The cell was dead so I went to the nearest pay phone and called 911. I told the operator that I was sexually assaulted and illegal searched for no reason at all. I told her the whole story and she sent out a Lieutenant to take my complaint. I told him the whole story and wrote a 2 page statement. One of many things he thought was odd was the fact that Detective Darisse refused to search the truck with his dog. The Lieutenant was concerned about my 45 minute ordeal and said he is pulling the dashboard cams and uniform audio and he will call me and send me an official report of this incident.
I am going to give them the weekend and call Monday. I will keep you posted.....
Not sure what to say, but here's a guilty case with the same detective and a similar situation:

My dad got pulled over at the NC/SC rest stop on 85 and was given a hard time by the police for no apparent reason. Once they realized he wasn't a bad guy, they explained that they had been having problems with drug deals there, and his vehicle fit the description.
I have the highest respect for Law enforcement, and i am going to become an officer myself for at least a few years... but if everything you said happened the way you say it did, those guys are scum.

Also you have a pretty good legal case, no question. Theres not a courtroom in the state who cant convict them. Its just a matter of whether or not you want to deal with it. It will be a hassle, but you will also be doing a good thing for anyone else who could get stopped by him in the future
that is completely insane....I cant think of anything else to say. Please keep us imformed on this.........I beleive you done the right thing by reporting so quick. If you had waited they wouldnt think it was creditable. Good Job.
I wouldnt stop untill that guy lost his badge and the second guy got a free unpaid vacation
Sure would be nice if they were stupid enough to feel you up in front of the dash cam. That would win you the case quick!! I hope the bastards get what they deserve.
You're a damn good man for being so calm. I couldn't have done that.

Hang em high brother and keep us updated!
That is truly a screwed up situation. I would make it a point to push it as far as I could afford (considering taking time off of work and the travel and all). Good luck with it however it pans out and Good for you to man up and admit it happened in the first place. A guy airing something like this can't be easy.
Thats crazy. I live in surry county, have all my life. I have never been pulled by a surrycounty deputy. Im def not doubting your story though. I hope you get the asshat fired though!
One thing I have *read online* (disclaimer) is to write a letter to the department. Explain rationally and in detail everything that happened. In the opening and closing paragraphs, state clearly that you want this filed in the officer's personnel record. Supposedly, they have to do that if you specifically request. Then everytime he comes up for a review, promotion, raise, etc...this comes back to haunt him.

That said....if you watch'll see them finding drugs, snubbies, etc often in crotches. A while back, one had a syringe in his...ahem...posterior. (they made the BG fish it out himself).

Now, with THAT said...I wonder what his side of the story looks like, or what he makes it look like (two sides to every story, yada, yada). What gave him probable cause to search? Always ask them to articulate. If they can't tell you then and there, they won't be able to in court. That's a biggie. If it happened like up, your rights were violated big time. Have your lawyer get the tapes. If you said "no" and he couldn't articulate probable cause, you own his ass. Teach the SOB a lesson.

FWIW, you might want to contact GRNC, since it did involve a legally carried firearm.
well thank you for explaining the whole story in detail instead of just bashing them which honestly would have been pretty hard not to do in your situation.
As posted, mail a full detailed account in writing to the police station and possibly even go down to make sure something actually recorded. It's no different than if someone files a 'report' on someone else. No action may be taken, but it goes into record.
Terrible thing to experience, but a lot of good advice has been posted already.

Good luck!
Wow. I've gotta say, I'm generally one to back law enforcement 100%, because you hear a lot of whining from idiots who really were breaking the law when they got busted. I started reading that completely expecting to find something to bash you for, but it just wasn't there. As for myself, I prefer to travel at night and generally off-peak driving hours, so I could see that exact same scenario happening to me, and that's scary. Way to go sticking to your guns and calling the guys supervisor. Law abiding citizens truly should have nothing to fear from law enforcement, and every time some yahoo like that crosses the line it erodes the public trust. Please keep us informed, and good luck pushing this. With any luck he'll at least get a nice black mark against him.
Unfortunately, I believe the cruiser cam was probably either not on, or will mysteriously be erased.
I would follow up on the report as stated. I would also have wittinesses and most likely a recording for that follow up. I know it's not usually advisable, but I would draft a copy of what "could" be sent to the local, and state media, should satisfactory follow up and punishment does not happen. All grammar correct, all t's crossed and all i's dotted.
I would like to have my dog in my truck and for him to try to search it. Instead of feeling my groin he would loose his lol. It's officers like that who cause people not to trust the rest of them.
Well hopefully this idiot officer is too tied up with this ordeal (hopefully he will be) so that it doesn't happen to me or my buddy tomorrow morning when driving through there up to PA.

Sorry this happened man.
Thanks guys for all the advise. I will be contacting Surry County tomarrow w/ some new batteries for the tape recorder......

Just some things that might help me out...

-What is the exact headlight laws?

-Whats up with vehicle frisks w/ my situation? (being calm and identifing myself as not a threat off the bat)

-Whats up with the fact that I did not have my consealed permit- Gun on dash loaded/chambered?

-Why would you search a suspect twice? (Not my fault he failed to do what ever he thought he failed to do before returning me to the truck, he sould have done the vehicle frisk then not the last thing before he let me go)

-Anything in perticular that I can say tomarrow to make this not be swept under the rug in Internal Affairs?


Thanks for the support I knew you guys (NC4x4) would give me good advise.
I would go see the Sheriff in person! He hires the deputies and it looks bad on an elected official to have this happen.

I would like to have my dog in my truck and for him to try to search it. Instead of feeling my groin he would loose his lol. It's officers like that who cause people not to trust the rest of them.

This has happened multiple times. Dog jumps out of vehicle or on officer, officer shoots dog.
Not all are dicks, some just make poor choices.
The sheriff is Graham Atkinson. I would make sure he hears your story.