Molested by Surry County Detectives

Well I was contacted by their attorney yesterday. He was a real friendly guy. He told me that he found a post by me on the internet so we discussed just briefly what was going on. He said that Darisse said that he was justified in the search for his safety. Problem is that he put me back in the truck and after the second pat down just before he was gonna let me leave, he decided to searched the truck with no concent. He told me that the reason Capt. Livengood is not going to handle my case because he is retiring in a week, and doesn't want to start something he can't finish. Lieutenant Osborne who is in school for 2 weeks is taking his job. He said we can't do anything about this till he gets back. The lawyer did say they were doing an internal investigation on Darisse and those results and the tapes will become public knowledge as soon as they are done. So I guess the ball is kinda rolling.....
I'd say 90% of cases like these aren't followed up. Glad to hear someone is!!!
I got pulled in Ramseur outside of Asheboro many years ago by an officer named Aeron Elvis Pressley (no joke!) on my way from Tennessee visiting my parents for the weekend. He did illigal search with the excuse that my vehicle was registered in another color and held me for an hour for nothing. When backup came, he told the other car he had it under control and rushed them off. This all took place at 2 AM and I had to work the next day. I was furious when I looked it up and found out that there's no such thing as your vehicles color being listed in a registration and called up the Sargeant. He gave me the line that I had to come by in person to file a complaint. I never followed up...
I got pulled once and I believe it was a case of racial profiling. The cop I am sure thought I was hispanic because of what I was driving( a 1976 lower Chevy stepside with tinted windows). He made me get out and seached the truck ( with my permission).
then I ask him why I was pulled. he said my license plate was out. the street was completly lit up with street light and I could not see the ligh if it was on any way.

The second video makes a lot of sense and has many, many good points. Interrogation is what these guys do for a living. Chances are when the speak to you on the phone they are recording. They want you to give multiple statements with different details. Also it would probably be hard to find a lawyer to fully back you with a complaint against an officer. Unless you have video of the incident, i.e. the BART shooting in recent news. The law enforcement community is a close knit group that is to "protect and serve" with priority on themselves.
So I have a question, when will we, the people, take back out rights? Most would say that these instances are few and far between, but any thing like this (the video or the story) are outragious and beyond belief, and should not happen EVER.
We do have our rights! We just surrender them too easily. Ex. you are surrendering your right to pleading the fifth by talking to the cops. The cop will act make you feel like you are guilty of something thru their intimidation tactics and your fear. Oh yea the cops CAN and WILL lie, cheat, steal or whatever they have to, to get a conviction! Ask Darrell Hunt. (sp)
I would be hesitant to join such a group since I do not agree w/ 100% of their views.

Any update from OP?
Update......... got the video

Well my brother got the video yesterday and we spent about 2 hours looking for a damn VCR to play the thing.......

It was unbelievable.....

The first minute of the tape is clear then it gets crazy, it looks like they somebody recorded it 1000 times and messed with the tracking.
You cant tell whats going on, the screen jumps around and there is snow and lines that flicker and move up and down.
(my brother has them on tape and a letter that states the video is complete and adequate but the audio is a little hard to hear from one officer)

The tape of the first officer ends 15 minutes early, before any type of search is done. (They say his tape ran out)

The second officers tape (from behind the first cops car) is perfect. but you cant see what is happening in front of the first officers car.

The second officer (Matt Ward) in my opinion DOES excessively grope my brother.
He touched him 3 times (on his junk) and holds/pauses on his junk for at least a 2 one thousand count on his third time touching him there.

No audio at all from either officer.
(they said today, they dont know why he didnt get the audio)

The county states that this is a personal matter and they can not release any information on any action that was, or was not taken against the officers. :poop:

He called them today and they said "if they still have the originals that he can come and view them in their office" :popcorn:

Does anybody have a way to convert a VHS to DVD or mpeg??
In the Charlotte, Huntersville, Mooresville area that wouldnt mind hooking him up??

I have scanned the three letters and are in pdf but I dont know how to host them, I can email them to anyone who would be willing to post them here.
So, of course he can post it on youtube for all of yall to enjoy.
I have scanned the three letters and are in pdf but I dont know how to host them, I can email them to anyone who would be willing to post them here.

I can host, email me via the addy on my profile on file here.
Sorry to hear about your tape issue. It appears that there has been some "covering up" or so it seems. It could just be coincidence. However, those tapes seem to show up in good quality and audio when they are trying to catch other criminals ...

Hope everything turns out good for you and justice is eventually served
I would go to the news people. A lot of news stations have 'advocates' that love scandals like this, and they have high $$ lawyers they love to sick on the city, county, corporations etc.

Also check into an attorney of your own. Seems like you should be able to find a shyster to take the case on spec, for half the amount of the lawsuit.

I am not a litigious person and generally disapprove of lawsuits on principal, but sometimes, the only way to get justice is to hit them in the wallet. Let them see the payout is going to hurt them and they will give up the dirtbags in a heartbeat.
try wxii, they normaly love getting involved in stuff like this.
so heres a question...
why in the HELL are police cameras still using VHS?!

My thoughts exactly same.
However, I seriously doubt teh camera that is in the car is actually VHS.
Meaning that it has been "converted" already.

I agree that what is needed is an advocate, they will push to get the original and make the copy themselves. Who knows if that will be allowed or not.