MOTD (Meme of the Day)

that's hilarious. There's a car length gap between each car. I'm glad I work on the side of TOWN that I live and only have one traffic light and one subdivision I drive through. And I even hate having to drive 4 traffic lights up to the parts store. I'm not happy if I have to. Rush hour, in my Podunk town, you'll sit through 3 cycles before you get to go. Never used to be that way. I blame the millennials and all the new kids driving clogging up my roads. I'd rather be stuck behind a tractor with a 11 ft cutter going down a country 2 lane than have to deal with any urban/town/city traffic, any day. I guess I'm spoiled. If I go to clt or Shelby, I will straight up edge and cut off a car if I must need to. Try not to have to, but sometimes. Makes wife uneasy as fawk. Used to drive in taxachussetts traffic. Heck with that.
Admit it .......
When you read this .....


You did it in Roosters voice! ( then took a slug from the bottle)
I am well aware of this problem. It is definitely broken by jackasses.
My point is just that you're as much of a jackass by NOT waiting until the end to merge, and getting pissed at the guy who does, as the guy who tries to nudge in 2x in front of somebody.

Where I live, the shoulder of the road is used as a passing lane. Like, going over the white line, around on the right, without even slowing down. That shit is nuts.

I drove N. on the new & improved I-77, to Mooresville, this morning. HA! Dad Blame Numb Skulls, can't even merge off the entrance lane! My speed control is set on 55, on a 65 mph Interstate. You Can't get ahead of Me, I'm Not slowing down to let Your Dumb Ass in! :fuck-you:

So I am a jackass for actually LISTENING to the road signs and warning signs to merge? What kind of communist, liberal, dumbassery is this? You might as well tell kids in school that following rules makes them as much of a jackass as the ones who don't follow the rules.

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If you do it too early, then yes....
Well what really makes you a jackass is getting pissy at other people who are actually doing it right and waiting until the last opportunity.
It's just math.

To be clear, if you're merging too far ahead of time, then you aren't following the instructions any more than the guy that does it too late, after the sign.

So you’re defending the theory but acknowledging the theory doesn’t hold true because of reality. That’s where I am. The zipper method would work if everyone played by the rules, but they don’t. I see it every day at the 85 north/40 east split in Hillsborough. Jackasses stay in the two left lanes, passing everyone possible, and then try to jam into the two right lanes to 40 east and screw up the whole works. That’s why there are accident 3 out of the 5 working days each week. I guess those jack wagons are more important than everyone else.

Yes, and no.
The theory dosn't work in reality b/c of assholes.
so I'm saying.. don't be an asshole yourself, so that the theory might actually hold true sometimes.
Instead of just complaining about assholes, and then being one to try and get ahead of the assholes... just do your part and don't be an asshole.

Wait - I think you're missing the point. Maybe?
Waiting until the last moment IS the right thing to do. By merging early, all you're doing is moving the zipper farther up the road, but adding confusion about when the right time to merge is. Everybody should just merge - one at a time - at the last possible moment (that is reasonably safe - NOT a quarter mile before). AT the sign.

At THAT moment:
- if you are the guy merging, and try to be the 2nd car to cut in front of somebody, then you're the asshole
- if you're in the lane getting merged into, then you should let ONE car in front of you. If you don't, then you're the asshole.

In general, it seems there are more people who are trying to do the right thing, and merge early, then get pissed when other people don't. What I'm saying is, that actually isn't logical. Both lanes should stay moving with equal volume until the last possible moment, and let people merge in front of them (ONE at a time). Don't get pissed b/c you zippered too soon and another guy is actually fixing the problem. Backups happen at merges b/c people don't let people in.

Finding a gap to merge into when it works for you and your fellow travelers is not the same thing as zooming past everyone that is already tightly packed and demanding to be let in. I'm glad my commute doesn't require any of this. I have one roundabout to navigate and I'm done. I went to Raleigh for a class last month and I had a bate of rush hour traffic to last me until next year.

that's hilarious. There's a car length gap between each car. I'm glad I work on the side of TOWN that I live and only have one traffic light and one subdivision I drive through. And I even hate having to drive 4 traffic lights up to the parts store. I'm not happy if I have to. Rush hour, in my Podunk town, you'll sit through 3 cycles before you get to go. Never used to be that way. I blame the millennials and all the new kids driving clogging up my roads. I'd rather be stuck behind a tractor with a 11 ft cutter going down a country 2 lane than have to deal with any urban/town/city traffic, any day. I guess I'm spoiled. If I go to clt or Shelby, I will straight up edge and cut off a car if I must need to. Try not to have to, but sometimes. Makes wife uneasy as fawk. Used to drive in taxachussetts traffic. Heck with that.

And worse than the non zipper self absorbed assholes are the fucktards that will run to the end of the lane, then continue down the emergency lane for another 1/4 mile passing people at 50 mph while I am playing the clutch in, clutch out, clutch in, clutch out game at .00000005 mph. I wanna throw a brick at them.

There was an asshole doing that a while back and the unmarked cop followed him a ways, then lit em up. I about wrecked laughing.