Yes, and no.
The theory dosn't work in reality b/c of assholes.
so I'm saying.. don't be an asshole yourself, so that the theory might actually hold true sometimes.
Instead of just complaining about assholes, and then being one to try and get ahead of the assholes... just do your part and don't be an asshole.
Wait - I think you're missing the point. Maybe?
Waiting until the last moment IS the right thing to do. By merging early, all you're doing is moving the zipper farther up the road, but adding confusion about when the right time to merge is. Everybody should just merge - one at a time - at the last possible moment (that is reasonably safe - NOT a quarter mile before). AT the sign.
At THAT moment:
- if you are the guy merging, and try to be the 2nd car to cut in front of somebody, then you're the asshole
- if you're in the lane getting merged into, then you should let ONE car in front of you. If you don't, then you're the asshole.
In general, it seems there are more people who are trying to do the right thing, and merge early, then get pissed when other people don't. What I'm saying is, that actually isn't logical. Both lanes should stay moving with equal volume until the last possible moment, and let people merge in front of them (ONE at a time). Don't get pissed b/c you zippered too soon and another guy is actually fixing the problem. Backups happen at merges b/c people don't let people in.