MOTD (Meme of the Day)

My family knows this. If I ever win the lottery and have tru F-U money I want a Super Duty with this very bumper on it. And whenevr someone is being a douche canoe driver, just plow em.
If you have hundreds ofmillions 50k is inconsequential to you, but the ddrama of dealing with insurance and replacing a car would be a major aggravation to them. And Id tell them as much. Good luck forgetting me the next few months.

This was why i hated to get rid of my 6spd 2500. When someone pulled out in front of you, Nothing like downshifting and letting the clutch out fast. Get those 35's toyos to barking catching up to speed. sounded like someone locking up the brakes. loved it...
It would but then I’d need to drive a Dodge …and just, no.
Yea, some folks just can't handle all that awesome.