MOTD (Meme of the Day)

There’s an old guy where I grew up that has a 67 chevelle in his front yard. It’s got “not for sale” painted in the window. It’s been there since I was in high school. At least 25 years or better. Same spot. Hasn’t moved. He just mows and weed eats around it.
You never know the story behind things like that. When I was in high school or just out, we inquired about a very clean looking 3rd gen camaro that had grass growing up around it. The couple's son had died and they couldn't let it go. They would wash it every once in a while but didn't move it.

Ohio, Virginia, handicapped, Florida…in that order, worst drivers on the road. I’d be willing to bet 90% of the time when you’re cursing the person in front of you, or feel the need to look over and see how stupid they look when you pass them…you’ll see one of those 4 identifiers.
Ohio, Virginia, handicapped, Florida…in that order, worst drivers on the road. I’d be willing to bet 90% of the time when you’re cursing the person in front of you, or feel the need to look over and see how stupid they look when you pass them…you’ll see one of those 4 identifiers.
Agree 100% while in NC.

The minute you get north of Richmond, the Buckeyes have peeled off from their bi-weekly Myrtle beach venture and you start seeing Pensyltucky and NJ tags...the further north you go...NJ outnumbers most of the other states for shear number of dumbasses behind the wheel.
I see plenty of dumbasses with NC and SC tags too. The out of staters stick out, but, other than Florida-man lost in the mountains, I seem to yell and cuss at a significant share of NC/SC drivers down here in Charlotte.