MOTD (Meme of the Day)

I see plenty of dumbasses with NC and SC tags too. They are usually in a Prius or Tesla, or late 90's Chevy SUV.
I honestly haven't seen too many jackasses in a Tesla. Around Fayetteville anyone who has one seems pretty good about driving it well.

Pretty much every other driver in any car or state tag can be a brush with death though here. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't scratch my head and wonder why more people don't die on the roads in Fayetteville.
I honestly haven't seen too many jackasses in a Tesla. Around Fayetteville anyone who has one seems pretty good about driving it well.

Pretty much every other driver in any car or state tag can be a brush with death though here. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't scratch my head and wonder why more people don't die on the roads in Fayetteville.
Edited my post before your reply, but I still stand by the original :D It used to be the left lane Priuses, but now its 50/50 Prius/Tesla.
I see plenty of dumbasses with NC and SC tags too. The out of staters stick out, but, other than Florida-man lost in the mountains, I seem to yell and cuss at a significant share of NC/SC drivers down here in Charlotte.
But most of these folks are not from Charlotte or NC. Transplants from the North!
Shoot...y'all don't know what crappy drivers are till your state is full of california migrants, and ill'eagles... the cali-morons cut you off and do so with care cause they are driving new cars...the ill'eagles try and hit you in their beater and they have no insurance - they scare me the most !

Shout out to MP'shone, a brother in Jamestown in need of a CCB... LOL
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Shoot...y'all don't know what crappy drivers are till your state is full of california migrants, and ill'eagles... the cali-morons cut you off and do so with care cause they are driving new cars...the ill'eagles try and hit you in their beater and they have no insurance - they scare me the most !

I had about a 3yr stretch where I was spending 2wks/month between LA(Gardena) and San Diego every month. I’ve always said I’d much rather take that traffic over Charlotte traffic. I always felt (on the highways anyway), folks had no problem going 7 wide with 5 lanes and being bumper to bumper/door handle to door handle at 90mph. Always meant a higher chance of catastrophic accidents turning a 15 minute trip into a 3hr trip though.
I hear ya... the problem is our roads can't handle the growth were seeing...and our way of life is about to be trampled on with their voting for lawlessness and immorality - most of them don't know Jesus as Lord...sad !
I hear ya... the problem is our roads can't handle the growth were seeing...and our way of life is about to be trampled on with their voting for lawlessness and immorality - most of them don't know Jesus as Lord...sad !

Man I don't know......I let Jesus take the wheel ONE time........damn near totaled my car.

I am not sure your statement has anything to do with driving capabilities.....if knowing the Lord makes you a better driver, how come all the churches need a police escort to get the congregates into and out of the parking lot every Sunday?
Man I don't know......I let Jesus take the wheel ONE time........damn near totaled my car.

I am not sure your statement has anything to do with driving capabilities.....if knowing the Lord makes you a better driver, how come all the churches need a police escort to get the congregates into and out of the parking lot every Sunday?
HAHAHA... had a wake up call did ya...question is did He get your attention ?... and your right, my "Jesus" statement had to do with the way they think/vote, not drive... knowing Jesus as Lord doesn't make you a better driver, He makes ya see things a little different - for the better... I guess the police escort in and out of the church parking lot is to show the world the "Law" will bring you to Jesus, and Jesus will set you free of the "Law"... let them who have ears to hear - hear...:D
I hear ya... the problem is our roads can't handle the growth were seeing...and our way of life is about to be trampled on with their voting for lawlessness and immorality - most of them don't know Jesus as Lord...sad !
So.. Jesus did have that one cool driving quote about doing on to others as you would have them do onto you.. That's sound advice on the roads.

But there is a reason "Sunday Driver" is not a compliment. Now back to the memes:

Ha...hits home...first night of vacation we stopped by a buddy's place to crash. He snagged a 1.75L of Basil Hayden...not my preferred, but when it's free, it's for me. I easily drank half of wife woke up at 3am, got worried because I wasn't in bed and everyone else was in the house...she came outside and I was cuddled up to a log beside the fire pit.