MOTD (Meme of the Day)

(not directed at you @thebrotherinlaw)

"Edition" If you're going to make a meme based on making fun of retarded people, at least look in the mirror first.
I think being handicapped and being a pour speller are too different things.
(not directed at you @thebrotherinlaw)


If you're going to make a meme based on making fun of "retarded" people, at least look in the mirror first.
Addition is correct. Never in history have we had an administration this retarded, so therefore, there were additions and accomodations made.
It's just English. Get it write.
That hurts my heart a little bit since it’s so true. Made it through 3 levels of calculus and 2 differential equation courses. Now I Excel all day everyday it seems like.

I use excel more than fluid calculators, duct sizer, or load calcs. And hell, all that is vendor software 🤷🏻‍♂️
My hardest math now is calculating the tip at a restaurant and realizing their auto calculated tips are wrong half the time 🤦‍♂️