MOTD (Meme of the Day)

It’s much better to pile them up…let kids and dogs jump in them and listen to their laughter.

Then - and this part is critical- after the children and pets are safely away from the leaf pile (I can’t stress that part enough) light the dead leaves on fire.

They burn quickly they return nutrients to the soil and FireFire everyone loves fire
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It’s much better to like them up…let kids and dogs jump in them and listen to their laughter.

Then - and this part is critical- after the children and pets are safely away from the leaf pile (I can’t stress that part enough) light the dead leaves on fire.

They burn quickly they return nutrients to the soil and FireFire everyone loves fire
Instructions unclear. Kids not very happy with me
TIL this. But I suppose it makes sense since it’s just multiplication by 100 and moving the tens place.
Ditto, it makes perfect sense and I'm facepalming for not realizing it before.

I find myself now yearning for more wisdom from Panzer of the Lake
Oh yeah, here goes my Saturday