MOTD (Meme of the Day)

I swear - boot camp was a more pleasant bathroom experience than mens airport restrooms
From what my wife says about rest area toilets, women put men to shame as far as being outright nasty in public
It ends up coughing 🤷‍♀️
Coughing, gagging… whatever, same difference.
I dont get the issue at all. Maybe they presumed it would be male oriented - urinals everywhere still. Idk. What they have proposed or already rolled out (attached) - i honestly dont see a problem with that. It will solve all the mentally ill trans people bathroom debate - and consequently be a safer situation. Its private with full doors, not easily see through typical ones....

Although - them womens are not gunna be happy with all the nasty ass dudes blowing out of their ass like a trumpet. I swear - boot camp was a more pleasant bathroom experience than mens airport restrooms

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at a bar in Malaysia they didn’t even have them down a hall way or anything. Just right there along the wall in the main room. A little odd, but no one gave a shit.
This is my main problem with "family" style restrooms. I really like using a urinal. Almost hands free.
Same. I've gotten to the point now where I just drop trowel like a 5yr old exposed ass and everything. So much less effort

Usually clears out the dudes lingering at the lav's behind me too :laughing: